Thursday, February 28, 2013

Register Now for the March Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon

for the March Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon:  
March 8, 2013

Click Here to Register

Beth Evans

"Family Values in a 
Demoralized Society"


"How do we help our children be overcomers in a world that is increasingly cynical, negative and hostile toward family values? Are we fighting a losing battle? In our time together, we will talk about how to build families on The Foundation that promises victory."

Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon details:

Open to ALL Women

Hosted by Knowing God Ministries
at MacGregor Downs Country Club,
Cary, NC
2nd Friday of every month.

General Session with Lunch:
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
 $20 preregistration/$25 at door

1:20 - 2: 15 p.m.
$5, with General session or
$15, Workshop only

Q and A With Beth Evans
"Walking the Road of Parenthood:  
Beth's Practical Tips"

In the midst of:
·         Bullying;
·         Being left out or not included;
·         Wanting to date early; boyfriends, girlfriends,
·         Social media/TV/movie boundaries
·         Alcohol/drugs
·         Kids not wanting to do their quiet time or perhaps attend church…
How did a mom of quadruplets manage to raise 4 children, who now have a love and passion for Jesus, handle these life issues in the foundational years?   What practical things did Beth do and is she still doing?


Beth Evans is a North Carolina girl who was raised in Marion (NC) and who received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from North Carolina State University.  She is married to Johnny Evans, the Eastern NC Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and a radio analyst for NCSU football.  Their children (quadruplets!) are Daniel, Andrew, Katherine and Quinn.  The Evans family also includes Daniel’s wife, Paige, and their daughter Hannah, born in April of last year.  Beth has taught LAMBS (a “Ladies A.M. Bible Study”) for 19 years, and currently co-leads a Monday night Bible study.

Juggling quadruplets is probably as "real" as it gets, so do not miss this oportunity to garner real, practical parenting (and grand-parenting) tips from a woman who has walked her children successfully through the fire of our culture - and lived to lead the way!

Make your reservation today!

Click Here to Register

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What to do with Unsolicited Advice!

Proverbs 18:2
A fool does not delight in understanding, but only wants to show off his opinions.

Not too long ago, I was walking my crazy dog, Jake, a 2 1/2 year old lab (whom we should have named, Marley) down a path behind my house.

We encountered another woman and her dog.   As Jake often does, he went crazy at the sight of the other dog.  I was doing all I could to control my 75lb. out-of-control animal.

Needless to say, the other dog owner was not filled with grace.  She began to angrily bark dog advice at me.

Though it may have been needed, my instinctive response, which by God's grace, I refrained from angrily barking back, "Lady, I do not remember asking you for advice!"

At our February Iron Sharpens Iron workshop, Carol Godwin, who has her Master's degree in Counseling, confirmed what I knew to be true in my heart...

Her words:

"To anyone who offers you their unsolicited advice or their, 'Well, I think....,' comments... I would encourage you to ask yourself this question: 

Does their advice or opinion line up with the Word of God? 

If it doesn't, disregard the comment or the advice.  Typically, if the sentence starts with, "Well, I THINK..."  it probably does not line up with God's Word."

May God's Word protect your heart and mind when unsolicited advice comes your way.   May God protect all of us from offering unsolicited advice, (unless He prompts us) that our conversations "be always full of grace, seasoned with salt..."  Colossians 4:6

Monday, February 18, 2013

To “Lent” or Not To “Lent”

“I urge you therefore, bretheren (sisters!),
by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice,
acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”  
Romans 12:1  (NAS)

Ash Wednesday was last week, beginning the season we call, Lent.  What it means is that we are now in a 40-weekday count down to EASTER, the great celebratory day of our faith as Jesus girls. 

Too often we think “the great celebratory day” is Christmas, and lose sight of the fact that Christmas was just the Beginning:  our faith really finds its life and release at Easter!  Conversely, at the “Easter end” of the journey, we get steam-rolled over by chicks and bunnies and colored eggs, and lose what matters most:  an Ultimate Sacrifice was paid, accepted, and REVEALED which brought us the real gift of LIFE ETERNAL!

Lent, [definition, according to (in the Christian religion) an annual season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday and lasting 40 weekdays to Easter, observed by Roman Catholic, Anglican, and certain other churches.]- -is traditionally a time of giving up something, usually decadent/naughty/not-good-for-you, as a means of “feeling the pain” and “proving” to God that you recognize the importance of Easter.
Time for some declarations:
  • ·      Today’s post is not written to “guilt” you, or tell you what to – or NOT to – do;
  • ·      Today’s post is simply written from a heart’s desire to shine a flashlight – to illuminate something which may be mysterious to some – and “obligation” to others.
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So, here are some thoughts from this Jesus girl about Lent:

It’s important to note that the journey of Lent is mainly about a spiritual discipline.  In other words, about making your earthly self ALIGN with the heart’s desires of your spiritual self.   So – in order to accomplish this, we either “give something up” or we can “take something on.”  Either way – we are utilizing the time of Lent to demonstrate to God that we APPRECIATE the amazing sacrifice He and Jesus made at Easter. 

So, maybe you decide to give something up (wine, chocolate, French fries, complaining, biting your nails, eating fast food, obsessing about your children’s rooms, etc. . .) or maybe you decide to take something on (beginning a daily “quiet time”, volunteering weekly at your favorite charity or children’s school, doing something out of the ordinary for your husband daily, writing letters to your parents or your children) - - -<did I step on enough toes yet?!>

If, the “thing” you’ve made your “Lent thing” becomes difficult, I suggest to you this:  in the moment of sacrifice, let your heart’s prayer become immediately:  “Lord, thank you for YOUR sacrifice!”

Because that’s what Lent is all about:  acknowledging the sacrifice.

Please take the time to push pause - -and ask Jesus if it’s time for some spiritual discipline.

To give up - -or to take on?

Or simply to celebrate the sacrifice!

Whatever you choose, know that we here at Knowing God Ministries are standing with you to declare:  “Lord, thank you for Your sacrifice, which allows us to know intimacy with You.”

Thursday, February 14, 2013

10 Best Things to Say to Someone in Grief

Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are a honeycomb: sweet to the taste and health to the body.

I enjoyed reading your emails yesterday.  Thank you for taking the time to comment.

Two of my readers, who have experienced great personal loss - shared comments I'd like to pass along.  The second comment will lead us into the flip from yesterday - what TO say
  • Following the death of her young adult son, one reader received this response,  "Did you know your son owed the church library?"
Oh my heavens...  Lord, help our words to be sweet and health to the body.
  • "People need to understand that after a death, the person who remains is now alone and facing a life that is forever changed. It's the here and now that needs comfort and attention."
So, according to Carol Godwin, our speaker from last Friday's luncheon, we learned the things TO SAY as well...

The Best Things to Say to Someone in Grief

1.  I am so sorry for your loss.
2.  I wish I had the right words, just know I care.
3.  I don't know how you fee, but I am here to help in anyway I can.
4.  You and your loved one will be in my thoughts and prayers.
5.  My favorite memory of your loved one is...
6.  I am always just a phone call away.
7.  Give a hug instead of saying something..
8.  We all need help at times like this, I am here for you.
9.  I am usually up early or late, if you need anything...
10.  Saying nothing, just be with the person.

May all our words and actions "be sweet to the taste and health to those we encounter" this weekend, starting first with our families. 
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

10 Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief

Proverbs 25:11
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
I know with great clarity, that I have been "that person," who said 'what should not be said,' when encountering someone who is deeply hurting.  
It's embarrassing.  And the minute it comes from your mouth, you instinctively know, "Ugh... why did I say that?!"
In fact, I've gotten to the point that I silently pray, "Lord, help me not say somethin' stupid."   If you are reading this, and I've been that person who said something very insensitive to you, I apologize.
Last Friday at our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheon, our speaker, Carol Godwin, who has experienced widowhood not once, but twice, shared some of the worst things to say to people who are experiencing grief.   Many are very common cliches.   I think they are worth sharing, so that you will not be 'that person.' 

The Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief

1.  At least she lived a long life, many people die young.
2.  He is in a better place.
3.  She brought this on herself.
4.  There is a reason for everything.
5.  Aren't you over him yet, he has been dead awhile now.
6.  You can still have another child.
7.  She was such a good person.  God wanted her to be with Him.
8.  I know how you feel.
9.  She did what she came here to do and it was her time to go.
10.  Be strong.

My personal favorite - or not-so-much is number 2, "He is in a better place." 

My gut honest response wants to be, "If he didn't know Jesus he's not.  And if he did, 'a better place,' doesn't even come close to describing heaven!"

What's your "personal favorite?"

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Life Restored

Isaiah 61:3
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.

Friday's luncheon was off the charts fabulous!  Carol Godwin, our speaker for Surviving the Fiery Trials of Life, had us in tears and in laughter all within the same 5 minute period. 

75 women were in attendance!  We are close to being at capacity and may have to go to a wait list - Go God!  The KGM Team and those who partner with us - can rejoice because God is blessing our efforts and honoring our prayers to help women grow in their relationship with Jesus...  To help them grow deep roots in their faith and love walk with Jesus.

What I'd like to do over the next few days, is share some of Carol's nuggets from the General Session and the Workshop. I will not be able to share it all - but there were a few things that the Lord had me pondering over the weekend. As iron sharpens iron, I think it will sharpen you too.

Do you see this picture (and the one below)? 
Notice her joy.  She is like this every time I'm around her - full of joy.
This cannot be manufactured artificially - but can only come from a deep abiding relationship with Christ.


Carol's Story

Carol's mother died of breast cancer when she was very young.  Her father, an alcoholic attempted to raise her, however she was eventually sent to a children's home.  A few years later, she would go to live with an aunt and an uncle... and at times back to her father.  She shared that she "faced situations that no young child should ever have to face."
At the tender age of 16, she ran off and got married.  Thinking that marriage would help her, she had a baby at 17, but soon divorced.    Following this season, she said that she lived "a sinful, selfish life and made bad, painful decisions." 
She married again at the age of 21, someone whom she described as having "more baggage then her, if that were possible."
Today, I want to stop right here and ask this question...  What have you done in your past that you think is beyond God's willingness to work in your life?   What sin(s) have you committed that you think is so great -  that it is beyond repair?
Do the skeletons in your closet torment you?
Carol's story should give us hope that if we will make Jesus and our relationship with Him the priority of our lives, just as she has... 
God can, "repay for the years the locusts have eaten," bringing restoration and joy into our lives.  (Joel 2:25)
He will also:
"provide for those of you who grieve...
bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. 
You too can be an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." (Isa. 61:3)
Because of Jesus, Carol IS a display of His splendor in a life that started horribly wrong... She is one woman, who determined to grab hold of Jesus and resolved to get to know Him better. 
And look at her!  Don't you see His joy?  A life restored? 
 It didn't start out this way.
If this describes you or someone you know - Be Encouraged!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Do you have a Mentor?

1 Corinthians 4:16-17NLT
So I urge you to imitate me....
Timothy will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus...

The big question this week has been, "Do you have Jesus girls in your life?"
Today I want to transition to this question:  Do you have someone in your sphere of friends, whose walk with Jesus is worth imitating? 
A mentor of sorts...
The believers in Corinth had the same problem so many of us face today:  the world compromising their walk with Jesus  - which is SO easy to do...
Paul's solution:  To imitate him.
In other words, "If you don't know how to act...  do what I would do.   I will show you how to live a life that's worthy of imitating.
Do you have someone worth imitating in your everyday life?

Her Description

She's the real deal - she doesn't just have a fish on the back of her car, a cross around her neck, and a really good God story.   She's living the Word as best she can...  You've seen her have supernatural peace and joy despite rough circumstances.  The Bible is her life - not just a book toted to church each week.

Preferred Qualifications

1.  Preferably someone you are not related to.
2.  Preferably someone older than you - definitely older in her walk with the Lord.

Do you have that person in mind?  If not, let's follow Cindy's instructions in finding Jesus girls:
1.  Ask the Lord in prayer to open your eyes to her...
2.  Seek - Be watching who the Lord may point out.  
Then what??
3.  Knock -  
I knocked on the door of a potential mentor just this week.  I'll share more in the next post!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do You Have Jesus Girls in Your Life? (Part 2)

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.  
Luke 24:1

Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?  

I haven't always had Jesus Girls in my life, but this fall God dropped me right in the middle of a holy band of Jesus Girls.  

Let me tell you about these girls.  They,

           love the Lord,
           know the Word,
           pray together,
           accept one another,
           encourage one another, and
           are on mission together.

Being with them is like drinking sweet, sweet water.

Doesn't this sound great?  In your busy life, wouldn't it be wonderful to have women who really "get" you?   Who accept you regardless of what you've been through, what you've done, or where you are in your walk with the Lord?  Who build courage in your heart, and point your attention to Jesus, no matter what?  

Do you have girls like this in your life?  If you don't, here's what I would suggest.

Ask God to bring some Jesus Girls into your life.  Girls, we need each other.  This life is hard and we need women who will place courage into our hearts to help us run the race well.  Ask God, and keep asking him.  Ask.  

Keep your eyes open.  Who are those women who you haven't chosen, but God seems to be bringing into your life?  You may seem to have nothing in common with them.  You may be at totally different seasons of life, but perhaps they're your Jesus Girls.  Seek.   

Take action.  Don’t sit back and wait for them to come to you.  Be willing to knock on some doors. Frankly, be willing to take some rejection and experience some disappointment when the girls you feel drawn to are not your Jesus Girls.  You'll know they're your Jesus Girls when God opens the
door.  It really will be like a haven has been opened up to you and you are welcomed regardless of your history, your baggage, the strain you're under right now, or your personal areas for growth. Knock.  

Just like God pulled together Mary, Mary, Joanna and others to love Him, to serve Him, and to tell others about Him, He pulls together holy bands of Jesus Girls today for the very same purpose.  I'm so blessed to have Jesus Girls in my life, and I want this for you too.  

Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?  If so, tell me about them.  email me at, or leave me a message.  
I'd love to ASK the Lord to bring you some Jesus Girls, because we all need some Jesus Girls in our lives.    And, I'd love to see you over at  Pop in and let me know that you found me through Knowing God Ministries.  

Would you like to dig a little more?  Here are some great verses to get you started.  Philippians 3:12-14, , 1 Thessalonians 3:11, John 4:13-15, Psalm 1, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Revelation 21:6, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 24.

Iron Sharpens Iron is this Friday, February 8th
Click Here to Register

Are currently in a place of great emotional difficulty? or  
Do you know someone in a fiery trial and not sure how to help?

Surviving Life's Fiery Trials
General Session, 11:30am-1:00pm,

Speaker: Carol Godwin

How to Walk with Someone Through Their Fiery Trial
Workshop: 1:25pm-2:05pm
MacGregor Downs Country Club

$20.00 -Pre-Registration rate until Wednesday, February 6th.

$25 - After February 6th
Workshop:  $5/with lunch
$15 Workshop only
A great lunch, fellowship with other women,
and a message geared to help you in your everyday life live in victory over hardship.

About Carol:
Wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother, advocate for the unborn and for disadvantaged women and children. Carol Godwin is married to the Senior Vice President and Provost at Liberty University. She has a Masters in Counseling from Liberty University. For many years, she counseled at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty University and in private practice with a licensed colleague. Carol was trained as a chaplain through Virginia Baptist Hospital and was the first volunteer chaplain to serve in the Lynchburg Hospitals.

But get this: for many years she owned a trucking company that transported new furniture from the east coast to the west coast! Talk about diverse!

At present Carol serves on several ministry boards, babysits her youngest grandson two days a week and travels whenever possible. We at KGM are grateful, as well, that she is the mama of Dina Hester, one of our Board Members.

While all of this sounds like an amazing life, she was also orphaned, abused, and has faced widowhood not only once, but twice.
Come learn how to survive the worst of trials and experience victory as you rely on the faithfulness of God.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Do You Have Jesus Girls in Your Life? (Part 1)

See Information for Iron Sharpens Iron information below... It's Friday!    Pre-registration ends Wednesday.

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.  
Luke 24:1
Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?     Girls who aren't just friends, but girls who "get" you, and run hard with you, and encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize?     Friends who sharpen you spiritually?   

Let's look at the first group of Jesus girls...

 That Friday, their Jesus had been crucified.  Joseph and Nicodemus took down his body, packed it with a hundred pounds of sweet spices and oils, wrapped it in linen cloth, and placed it in the tomb.  

The Jesus Girls followed closely.  

They saw the men lay his body on a cool marble slab, and then they went home together to prepare more spices and perfume to add their contribution.  

On Sunday morning before the sun rose, the Jesus Girls met carrying their spices and oils.  They were Jesus Girls on mission together.  

But, as they got closer to the tomb, things were not as they should have been.  The stone had been rolled away.  The Jesus Girls looked at each other.  One of them became bold enough to walk softly up to the tomb and peer inside.  The other women followed.  Their Jesus was… gone.  

Just then, two men in gleaming white clothes stood beside them.  The Jesus Girls bowed with their faces in the dust. Afraid; so afraid.

But the men spoke to the women.  "Why are you looking for Jesus here?  He's alive!  Remember?  He told you he would be turned over to cruel men and die a sinner's death on the cross.  But he also told you that he would rise!  Jesus, your Jesus, is alive!" 

And they did remember!  The Jesus Girls remembered!  

As the sun rose above the horizon, the Jesus Girls ran to tell the Eleven. “Our Jesus is alive!”

These women, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, mother of John and James … these were the first Jesus Girls.  So different from each other, but connected by Jesus.  They knew Jesus.  They loved Jesus.  They served Jesus.  And they did it together.  

Today, take time to think and pray about your friendships.  While not all of your friends should be Jesus Girls, you do need some Jesus Girls in your life. 

If you have Jesus Girls in your life, I’d love to hear about them and celebrate with you the beauty of friendship centered on Jesus.  If not, come back tomorrow.  I’ll share with you about the Jesus Girls God brought into my life this fall and three steps you can take to find your Jesus Girls.  Meanwhile, I'd love to see you over at Pop in and let me know that you found me through Knowing God Ministries.  

Would you like to dig a little more?  Read more about the first Jesus Girls in these verses:
Luke 8:1-3; Mark 15:40-41; Matthew 27:55-56; John 19:25-27; Mark 15:47; Matthew 27:61;  Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-11; John 20:1-18; Mark 16:9-11; Luke 24:1-12