Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pornography - September's ISI

September's ISI is now open!
Click HERE to register
Matthew 10:16
"Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
Luncheon Date:
Friday, September 14, 2012


Have you been overwhelmed with despair as you watch the tentacles of pornography create a choke hold around - a friend, a spouse or your own son?
Have you been left feeling, "What's wrong with me?" while you hold the shards of your marriage?

A Focus on the Family poll revealed 47% of families said porn is a problem in their home, so pornography is an issue that touches almost everyone.

But there's hope!

General Session:
Pornography - How Our Marriage Survived
$20/preregistrationby Wednesday, September 12th.
$25 after 9/12 and at the door*
Pornography: His and Her Perspective - Q & A

$5/with lunch
$10 workshop only

MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 Saint Andrews Lane
Cary, NC

In the two sessions, Rita and Kevin Bragg will their story of redemption and we will learn how to:
  • Implement technologies to safeguard your home -
  • Recognize the signs of pornography use -
  • Repair the damage done by pornography in a marriage -
  • Embrace loved ones tangled in pornography with both grace and boundaries...
About our Speakers

Kevin and Rita Bragg both grew up in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Rita grew up in the home of a family who was actively involved in church. Kevin's parents divorced when he was eight in the midst of his Dad's battle with alcoholism. Following the insistence of his grandmother, Kevin became the church organist at the age of twelve.

Rita and Kevin's relationship began when Kevin accepted a staff position at Rita's home church. After 3 years of dating they were married.

In the summer of 2006, Kevin was confronted with an addiction to pornography which started at the age of twelve. As a result, the family left their ministry position and entered a season of recovery and restoration.

In October 2008, Kevin returned to ministry and in the summer of 2011, the Braggs became part of Hephzibah Baptist Church in Wendell where Kevin now serves as Worship Pastor. Their testimony is one of grace and restoration, not just for a fallen minister, but for a marriage, for a family, and for the next generation.

Rita and Kevin have been married for 16 years and have three boys, ages 11, 9 and 5.

First Time Attending?
Do you want to come but are nervous about coming - perhaps alone?  Let us know so we can expect you and personally welcome you. Possibly pair you with one of our team members.

Contact Kelly Hollis @
What Do I wear?
Anything but short shorts and denim!


*The $22 - $25 price change has been made due to people choosing not to pay but confirming they are coming - and then not showing.   MacGregor charges KGM when we RSVP for someone - whether they show or not.
Please do all you can to take advantage of pre-registration!
Make plans to attend and bring a friend.
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My First Jesus Friends


Psalm 101:6

My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.
This past weekend, my sister-in-law, Marti had a pool party for the girls of an old supper club.  (Friends from 10+ years ago)   We all used to live in the same neighborhood and we did life together.  We did play dates and went to the swimming pool together.  I wish we would have taken a group picture - we too busy talking!

It's been years since the last time we were together.   Many of us have moved out of the neighborhood; our kids are at different schools and of different ages.  If we want our paths to cross - we have to be intentional.

So praise God, Marti was intentional this past weekend and invited us over. 

The reason why I'm sharing my weekend experience is because these girls were my first Jesus friends.   As we sat there talking on Saturday, sipping our Starbucks and tea (it was too cold to swim), I couldn't help but get teary eyed at the faithfulness of God.

I shared with you a few weeks ago the point in time when I realized that I did not have any Jesus friends:
     I was on a walk in my neighborhood.  (By myself.) 
           It was sort of like an epiphany!  I can't explain it.   
                  The Holy Spirit dropped into my heart the reality of my circumstances as I was listening to a tape of my favorite Bible teacher.
                              At that moment - I prayed, "Lord, I don't have any Jesus friends.  I need Jesus friends..."

The picture above was His answer.  We are still friends.  And on Saturday, not only were we talking about the practical stuff going on in our lives, but we were talking about what God is doing in our lives.  Several asked for prayer.  Had I have been "on it," I probably would have said, "Let's pray now."  These girls, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey - love and accept each other unconditionally.   Although we are all so different, these girls think like I think. 

Now what does that mean?  It means that they too are trying to swim upstream in a downstream world.  They are doing their best to impart the Bible and it's teachings to their children.   And they are doing their best to live for the Lord.  And as Romans 12:2 says, they take time each day "to not conform to the pattern of the world, but are being transformed by the renewing of their mind..."

Are we perfect?  NO!

But these girls have been the faithful in my land.    Although this group and I do not see each other as much as we'd like - God has grown my circle of Jesus friends.  He brought more Jesus friends ~ faithful ones to my land to minister to me.  And I to them.

Name the faithful in YOUR land.  Call them today and tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

Next Post:  September's Iron Sharpens Iron - Save the date

Monday, August 27, 2012

When the Storms Come - What Friend do you Run to?

My last few posts have dealt with the issue of friends.  Friends are important.  They bring joy and laughter to our lives.  Good ones are irreplaceable.

However, if we want to GROW in our relationship with God, the quality of our core friendships matter immensely.

Psalm 101:6

My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.

The Bible is clear - we must choose our friends wisely.  Last week, I shared that there are 3 types of friends.
Friend #1:  Sharpens you - she is a mentor of sorts
Friend #2:  Is where you are spiritually - both of you encourage each other.
Friend #3:  Pulls you down spiritually

So, when the storms of life come rushing in - who do you run to?  The Lord prefers that we run to Him and seek His face when trials and tribulations hit.  (Please note:  this does not come natural.  It is a learned practice.  Our world is not a natural habitat for a believer.  In fact, our world is positioned against God.)

The Bible says we need not only our relationship with the Lord, but friends who will minister hope, encouragement and TRUTH into our lives.  Truth that's based on God's Word - not the ever changing tide of the world. 

It's typically our BFF that we run to when we need advice, right?   But let me ask you something...  What's the quality of her relationship with the Lord?  

Church girl only? 
Does she have a daily quiet time? 
Does her life bear fruit that she lives what she learns in the Bible? 

If so - you got a keeper!!!!  This is friend #1 or 2.  Keep your eyes on her.  Dwell with her...  Latch on to her...  Do whatever it takes to encourage this friendship.

Do you have a friend(s) like this???

Next Post:  More on friends...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

3 Kinds of Friends

James 4:4  NLT

"Don't you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God.  I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can't be a friend of God."

This may be an "ouchy" today for many of you.  But I can promise you something:  if you want everything in life that God wants for you and you want to grow in your relationship with Him - embrace this message.  If not, go ahead and hit delete.

I once heard author and speaker Elizabeth George say there are 3 kinds of friends.  (These are not her words, but the basic premise is hers.)   

Who we spend the majority of our time with is typically a reflection of who we are.  Please note, I'm speaking about our core friends, those whom we spend the majority of our time.

So, what do your friends look like?  Which kind of friend do you spend the majority of your time?
Is she:
Friend #1: 
One who sharpens you.  She challenges you to come up higher in your relationship with God.  She is someone who you would consider to be your mentor.

Friend #2: 
One who is running right along beside you.  She is at the same place in her walk with the Lord as you are.  She encourages you when you are down or need an extra push.  You do the same for her.  You hold each other accountable.  You are a team.

Friend #3: 
One who brings you down spiritually.  Such friends cause you to embrace worldly desires.  You begin to think, talk, and behave like your friend #3.  She does not encourage your love relationship with Jesus, and, in fact, may make you feel silly for your beliefs or values.  She most likely does not know Jesus or is a "backslidden" Christian.  When you are around her, you backslide into old sin habits.

So, who do you go to lunch with?  Who do you go to the coffee shop with?  Or - watch out - this woman may be your church friend or Bible study friend.  But when you connect with her - the two of you complain, gossip, bash your husbands etc...  Do not be in denial.   She is friend #3 to you.
Do I have you thinking?   I know this may be a hard message - but God wants great things for each of us.  He has a purpose for each of lives and it's a good purpose. (Eph 2:10)   But the people whom we spend our time can either help us embrace all that God wants for us.  Or they will pull us back...
More tomorrow...

Excerpts taken from Intimacy with God , Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time

If you live:

1. Near Pennsylvania - I'll be in Butler, Pa September 15th at their Women's Conference. Contact Melody Hunter: for more.

2. In the North Carolina Mountains in Hendersonville: What a beautiful place to be in the fall!
Sixth Annual Woman of Carolina Conference
Theme: iConnect
September 28-29, 2012
Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute
One Generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. Psalms 145:4
Friday Speaker: Tara Furman, Knowing God Ministries
Saturday Speaker: Phyllis Foy, North American Mission Board Missionary (Church Renewal)
Early bird tickets are $25 ($30 after September 17th). This includes conference, materials, breakfast, snacks and lunch.
Tickets can be purchased at Carolina Baptist Association by calling 828-693-4274 or iTickets (a 15% convenience fee applies)
Friday 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions

Monday, August 20, 2012

In Your Nightmare - Is Jesus enough?

Don't miss my schedule at the bottom - join me if you can!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 Love Languages Workshop

Thank you to everyone who sent Banana Pudding recipes in order to help me speak one of my husband's love languages!  I'll make the pudding and post a picture when I do!  (Hopefully Sunday?)  Y'all are so sweet:)

1 Corinthians 13:4-6

Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Our workshop at Iron Sharpens Iron was a continuation from the General Session with tons of PRACTICAL ways to apply the 5 love languages as outlined in Gary Chapman's book.  The 5 Love Languages can be applied not only in our marriages, but in other relationships as well.

Below are the 5 Love Languages with some of the practical suggestions.  Again, a glimpse into what we learned!

Love Language #1:  Words of Affirmation: 
  • Thank him for going to work each day and earning a paycheck.
  • Admire him - tell him how great he looks in "that shirt."
Love Language #2:  Quality Time
  • Put aside something in your schedule to make heart to heart connection time with him.
  • Actively find activities that you both enjoy.  Does your husband like to watch football?  Become a football fan and watch it with him.

Love Language #3:  Gifts
  • Ask the Lord for creative ideas.  A creative idea that the Lord gave Suzi one time was a "Coupon Book."  OK get this - this is good: 
  • In the coupon book she had coupons for a 30 minute back rub (way too long in my book, but again, this woman has been married for 45 years.  Maybe I need to change 'my book!'); a 15 minute foot rub; and a "wild card."  Hummmm, I might be afraid to issue one of those.  But again - she's been married for 45 years.  She must be doing something right!
Love Language #4:   Acts of Service
  • She challenged us with this:  "Why is it so easy to serve other people who may come into your home, but find it almost impossible to serve our husbands.  How do you respond when he asks you to fix him something to drink?"

Love Language #5:  Physical Touch
Suzi told us:
  •  "This satisfies a strong emotional need in a man.  That if you fail to speak this language, your marriage will suffer."
  • "This particular love language is tied to his manhood..."
"Don't get stuck with the way your body looks..."
"Let go emotionally and physically..."
"Have him come home for lunch if you have school-aged children..."

OK - that's it!  I'm blushing just typing this out.  You'll have to get the CD in order to hear the rest.  And there was more... Much more.   Click HERE to order the CD's.

Despite my embarrassment  I hope you can see, especially through these last few blog posts, our goal at Knowing God Ministries is offer value to your everyday life with the relevancy of Scripture.

Talk about relevancy...  Guess what next month's subject is??? 
Pornography - His and Her story -  Don't miss it!
September 14th - Mark the date.

More later!

Have a great weekend!
Next Post:  3 Kinds of Friends

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Arrive Naked and Bring Food"

Second Baptist Church
 Washington, NC!
If you live in the eastern part of the state, I'll be here this weekend, August 18th!
Click here for more information.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Characteristics of a "Jesus Friend"

Daniel 1:17

To these four young men (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) God gave knowledge and understanding...

I remember the first time I realized that I didn't have any Jesus friends. 

I was exercising and walking through my neighborhood... It was in the day before ipods and iPhones... And I was listening to a tape of one of my favorite teachers on a walk-man!   (That's how long ago it was.)  And she was talking about the necessity of godly friends.

My immediate thought was, 'I have amazing friends.  I love my friends.'   But as I continued to listen, it dawned on me that  I didn't have any friends like the ones she was describing.  I can then very vividly remember praying,  "Lord, I need some godly friends.  Friends that think the way You want me to think and behave the way You want me to behave.  I'm growing in You, but I don't have a support system of people around me to help me continue or to encourage me.  Help!"

Within ONE WEEK, the Lord brought to my path 2 divinely handpicked friends:  Kim and Nicolette.  At the time, I knew who these women were, but they mere acquaintances.  However, on that particular week, in response to prayer -  the God of the Universe crossed our paths and we became friends.  Jesus friends.

A Jesus friend is a different kind of friend than your average BFF.  A Jesus friend:
  1. Loves you and accepts you unconditionally - your quirks and all.
  2. She doesn't run when the storm waters in your life start rising.
  3. She shows a genuine interest in YOU - she doesn't just talk about herself all the time.
Now you may be thinking that I'm describing a friend in general.  But here's where the difference comes in:

4.  Her friendship draws you closer to Jesus.  She pulls you up higher - in the way you think and in the way you behave towards your husband; your children; maybe grandchildren, and others.  (Titus 2:4)

5.  She will always see your life and circumstances through a biblical/Godly prism and direct you in that way of obedience to the Lord.   (John 14:21; 15:14)

6.  She encourages you to have a quiet time.  (John 15:5)
7.  She may even gently hold you accountable if you start complaining or gossiping.  (I'll never forget the first time I was walking with Nicolette. ("Walking/Exercising was a way that we got out of the house when our children were young for 30 minutes of quick fellowship.)  She gently said, "We've going into gossip."  Ouch!  But it was true!  (Proverbs 16:38)

8.  You GROW merely by being around them because you are talking about things that are edifying - not the last episode of "Housewives of Orange County," or how you felt about that raunchy sex book that's big right now.  (Ephesians 4:29; 5:3-4)

9.  She will pray with you and for you.  (James 5:16)

10.  She recognizes the calling and gifting upon your life and works with you not against you as in jealousy.  (1 Cor. 12:12)
  • Take a Jesus friend inventory...  This does not mean dis your other friends.
  • If you do not have any Jesus friends - ASK the Lord to send you one.
Keep your eyes open - they are on the way!  This is a prayer request that He will surely answer if you genuinely want a Jesus friend.

Lastly, are you being a Jesus friend to anyone?  Sometimes you have to sow into others before you actually find a Divine friendship.

Jesus friends are important.  They are VITAL to our spiritual growth in the Lord.  Without them, it's far too easy to be pulled downstream in our godless culture...

Next Post: ISI Update and the 3 Friend Principle

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Importance of Friends...

Is this week,  Friday, August 10th!  See details below!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fall Schedule for Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

is the Early Registration deadline

Friday, August 10
General Session:  11:30-1:00pm
$20 / Preregistration; $22 after Wednesday

Workshop:  1:20-2:15pm       
$5 workshop w/lunch
$10 Workshop only, no lunch
What value will the luncheon add to your life? 
A FABULOUS lunch in a beautiful setting -
An amazing, God anointed speaker -
Practical tips for meaningful change in your marriage, home, and other relationships -
Training on speaking the language of Love despite hectic schedules and lifestyles -
Understanding the 5 Love Languages and their significance in marriage and other relationships -
Fellowship with other like-minded women.
Opportunity for meaningful friendships

Iron Sharpens Iron
Fall Schedule
I am so excited to announce our Fall Schedule!  Mark your calendars now... Plan road trips if you live far away and get ready to blown away with what the Lord has planned!
One of our goals is to be real and relevant in today's culture and truly help women KNOW God:
1.  In their Relationship with God thru Christ
2.  In Marriage
3.  In Parenting
4.  In Ministry
Currently we are focused on KNOWING GOD in Marriage. 
January - April Cd's available. 

So here it is!

August 10, 2012 –               General Session:       The Language of Love
                                                Workshop:                The Power of the 5 Love Languages
                                                Speaker:                     Suzi McDuffee

September 14, 2012 -         General Session:        Pornography:  How our Marriage Survived
                                                Workshop:                  Pornography:  His and Her Perspective/Q&A
                                                Speakers:                    Rita and Kevin Bragg

October 12, 2012 -              General Session         Keeping My Marriage Strong in the Public Square
                                                Workshop:                  TBA
                                                Speaker:     Macon Newby, NC Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby’s Wife

November 9, 2012 -            General Session         How to Keep your Marriage from Growing Stale
                                                                                      and Seeking the Escape Plan 
                                                No Workshop            
                                                Speaker:                      Phyllis Foy

December 14, 2012 -         General Session         “Why Shouldn’t I?” 
                                                                                      Shades of Gray and Cultural Conflicts
                                               No Workshop
                                               Speaker:                      Amy Carroll, Proverbs 31 Speaker and Trainer

So mark these dates in your calendar, get childcare if you need it, grab a friend and join us!

Monday, August 6, 2012

"Why Can't You be Like Her?"

Is this Friday!  Click HERE to Register .   Early registration ends Wednesday, August 8th.                                                            Topic:  Learning to Speak the Language of Love and the 5 Love Languages  

"Why Can't You be Like Her?"  Don't miss the pictures below.

Ephesians 6:18
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."
It was hot.  I was grumpy and  I was hungry...   OK, more like starving and I had a simmering headache that was screaming for food.

My mind was full of all the errands that needed to happen prior to the first day of school last Thursday.  Plus the things that I needed to do with Knowing God Ministries since our luncheons and the ministry year is starting back up.

At the same time, it was just Caroline and I at home.  Will, my 12 year old was at "Heather camp."  (My sister's house in Myrtle Beach.  Caroline had her turn a month ago.)   So, since it was just the two of us,  I was desperately trying to have some quality, bonding time with her.  I wanted to create special memories for just she and I.

Yet I was busy and distracted needed her to bond... on MY terms!   

So, I did what any self respecting mom with much too much on her mind and plate, who's trying to bond with her daughter would do:  I bribed her with a $3 over the top cupcake from her favorite cupcake eatery following lunch at MY favorite spot - Chick-fil-A.

As we approached CFA last Monday, I could see the cars wrapped around building and groaned in frustration at having to wait.  "It was 1:30 - come on already,"  I sighed to myself - when all of a sudden, Caroline cranked up the music - loud!

Immediately, I turned it down and in my not so friendly voice said, "Not now, Caroline."

A few moments later while waiting in the drive thru line...
Caroline:  "Mom, when you and Heather were little, who liked listening to loud music, you or her?"
Me:  "Oh, me definitely."
Caroline: "Well, what happened... cause she's the one who likes listening to loud music now.  They always listen to loud music in THEIR car."
Me:  "Caroline, I have a headache right now,"  trying not to lose my cool.
Caroline:  "Heather still listens to loud music when she has her headaches...  Why can't you?" 
Heather gets migraines - I doubt that, but I didn't say anything.  I didn't want to start bickering with my 10 year old.  So I settled with:

Me:  "Well, we're just not going to right now.  We're going to get our food, get that cupcake you want and run our errands,"  I said getting louder and louder with each word and increasingly frustrated.

Some bonding experience, I thought...   After sitting in a few moments of silence - thinking I had won the music battle, she dropped the bomb...

Caroline:  "Mom, why can't you be like her?  She's so much more fun."

It wasn't said with any disrespect - that made it even worse.  Ouch... her words stung...  Part of me wanted to say, "Well, why don't you just go live with her if life here is so hard."  I suppressed the urge. 

Yet, my heart was hurting.  And that knot that forms in the back of your throat when you're holding back tears was getting bigger with each passing second.  Her words had hurt me deeply...     And this was over LOUD MUSIC?!   

Where did this go wrong?   I had wanted to bond...  But I wanted to do it on my terms and in my time frame.  I needed help, fast.  And it would have to be supernatural.
Instead of lashing out or crying, I took a deep breath and prayed for God fill our car again with joy.  That He would help me to like her.  (Yes, I said it.)   And that He would help HER to like me - non-fun mom and all. 

Miraculously - 20 minutes later when we got to Gigi's - a sweet spirit permeated our fellowship despite "my bonding terms,"  God redeemed the time and allowed us to enjoy each other's company. 

So last night, when she came into the kitchen and announced to Tim and I that she had put make-up on Jake...   I caught myself from scolding her for using Chanel makeup to do it.  ( I only buy Chanel when I have birthday money and I make it last for 2 years...)  Never mind the fact that it's almost gone!  

Instead, I began laughing and praised her for being so creative. 

Jake is normally white. 

I'm trying hard to be "more like her,"   The mom who's not uptight;  whose  a little more fun and yes, can listen to loud music from time to time. 

The Lord later impressed upon my heart that these "these are not the battles in which to engage."   That there will be far more important issues that will require steadfast determination in the months and years to come. 

So in the meantime, I'm just thrilled that the "her" that my daughter wants me to be like, is my sister.  And I KNOW that when "those issues" arrive in HER house, she too will be towing the line with her girls! 

Jake did not enjoy the makeover.  When she tried to wash his face, he was doing his best to hide from her.

Mrs. Fun herself, (my sweet sister) and I at a gas station eating BBQ sandwiches this summer.  We had just come off the beach and were starving. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Language of Love and 5 Love Languages

Language of Love and the 5 Love Languages

Open to ALL Women
Has the heat of summer,
or juggling schedules,
 or having NO schedule…
Or enjoying (or perhaps enduring) that fun, family vacation…
Sapped your energy?
Your excitement,
and passion
for your marriage?

Make plans NOW for a COOL, REFRESHING breath of fresh air to blow in your direction!

 Friday, August 10th,  (Next week!)

MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC

General Session
11:30am – 1:00pm,

Speaker, Suzi McDuffee

Learning to Speak the Language of Love
In this session, you’ll learn:
·         God’s perfect perspective of love based on 1 Corinthians 13 – (His perspective is far different than ours!)
·         How to train yourself to speak the language of love in the midst of hectic schedules and lifestyles.

Workshop to follow: 

Discovering the Power of Love Languages in your Marriage
In this session, you’ll learn:
·         Tips for finding your husband’s love language -
·         What your love language may be!

What speaks volumes to you, may be meaningless to your husband.

Come learn the 5 specific love languages and begin speaking them!

Register now and receive a discount
General Session Only
$20/preregister by Wednesday, August 8th
$22/door and after August 8th

$5/ with lunch
$10 Workshop only

Click here to register

Open to ALL Women
Dress Code:  Sharp Casual

We have so much fun!  Join us and bring a friend - (just let us know you're coming!)

Iron Sharpens Iron is a Knowing God Ministries Event

Finding Balance Each Day

First day of school:  Caroline 4th grade; Will 6th (Middle school!)

Jeremiah 6:16 NLT

Stop at the crossroads and look around.  Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.  Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.

It's been two months since I last posted.   I wish I could say:
  • That I've been sitting around the pool, eating bon bons and reading a great book, (I did read ONE great book by the way - I'll share later) or
  • Have cleaned all of the junk drawers around my house that I had high hopes of cleaning out this summer.   (Of which I have cleaned NONE!)  or
  • Embarked on that project of getting pictures developed from my iPhone and putting them in albums (haven't done this either)  OR
  • Spent time with friends over coffee that I rarely get to see - (only did this once.)

Carol Davis and I. 
Carol is a radio personality at the Billy Grahams' radio station, 106.9 located in the mountains near Asheville at The Cove.  Her stories had us belly laughing!  Hilarious!

This was the one time that I had friend time.  Carol, Holly Ladner and Amy Carroll and I sat at NOFO in Raleigh for 3 hours! 

So at the beginning of the summer, I prayerfully asked the Lord to show me balance so that I could peacefully maintain:
  • Kids at home who needed:
    •  activity and friends (we do not have neighborhood friends, so friends are still prearranged) yet
    • down time and creative time without me having to always be the "Cruise Director."  (My term of what I feel like quite often.)
    • structured time of chores and personal responsibility
  • Keeping a happy, healthy marriage with a man whose office is in the home. 
  • Keeping an orderly, clean, home with food - good food - healthy food - some junk food so that every one's needs are met.  (Husband included.) 
  • Did I mention the laundry? 
  • Did I mention Jake, the 2 year old,  80lb wonder dog that needs 2 walks/day?
  • And managing the behind the scenes of a baby company (Knowing God Ministries): 
    • Lining up the schedule and speakers for our fall luncheons.  (Our fall line-up is awesome!  Will share more next week.)
    • Carefully and prayerfully adding new team members.
    • And starting the writing of my next Bible study.
Jake, demanding his morning walk as I sat in my quiet time.  "This" is what I was training against!

The Lord gave me peace about letting go of the daily blogging so that I could maintain HIS priorities for my life.

It's been a great summer!  I've spent quality time with my 10 and 12 year old, Caroline and Will.   We've played tennis, golf, Wii and have gone to the pool countless times.  Tim and I have had the opportunity to spend quality time with each one alone as the other went to visit my sister who just moved to Myrtle Beach this spring with Chick-fil-A. 
Heather and one of their employees, Jessica.
My sister, Heather and her husband are the Owner/Operators of a CFA in Myrtle Beach.  They're at the one on 501 across from the Tanger Outlets.  I was there the day "before the storm" - Wednesday, which was Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day as deemed by former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee.  They had record breaking sales as did the entire company.  Go God! 

Our kids proclaiming, "Eat Mor Chicken,' before we went to the beach for last "hurrah!" before school started.

This was earlier in the summer on a different visit with Heather.  We visited twice.  I miss her so much.  She's my best bud.  I cry every time I leave her.
Engaging my children has been the greatest blessing - I wouldn't trade it for anything.   I only have a few short years left with them.  I am such a blessed woman! 

But this parenting thing is HARD!  (Can I get an Amen!?)    They went back to school today, so returning to KGM will be easy - EASY compared to parenting full time.  (I have 2 kids.  I can't imagine how those of you with 3, 4, + kids do it.)

This summer, we've had friend issues; thankfulness issues; kindness issues; money management issues, screen issues, work ethic issues - all of which I am trying to use to develop godly character traits within them.  Some days I felt like a total failure.  That nothing I could say was penetrating into their heart.  Sometimes, it felt like I was beating my head against a wall.  Parenting is hard!   Your flesh often wants to "lose it!"   (Of which I did a few times and immediately felt great sorrow.)  Or your immediate verbal response - which was sometimes far from godly and if not careful, may include a few 4 letter words.)  I may not have said them verbally - but they were there!  They were in my heart.   There were a few days - I was at my wits end!


The one thing I did not neglect  - the one thing that was NOT compromised - was my time alone with Jesus.  If anything, I spent MORE time with Him than I normally do.  And I can truly say, it was the best part of every day.  Talk about finding rest for a weary, needing parenting help soul...

I'd rise no later than 6:15-6:30am and bask in the quiet of no one needing me.  (I even trained Jake to chill out!)   And in the quiet and stillness of the fresh morning air,  peace and wisdom that I so desperately needed would come.   I would receive direction for my day and I learned lots of lessons.  Hopefully I'll get to share some of them with you in the coming weeks.
Our faithful, faithful God - never left me hanging.  He always gave me exactly what I needed for the day.  And miraculously - the peace, the calm and the balance of responsibilities for the day would come.

If it's been a while since you've been in His Presence - take the time today!  He'll truly bring restoration to your soul.

I'm so glad to be back!  Iron Sharpens Iron starts next week!   (See additional post you should have received!)