Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ask the Experts - May's Luncheon

Make plans now to join us for our final luncheon before summer:
May 11, 2012, 11:30-1:00pm
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC

Knowing God Ministries is honored to bring you:
Ask the Experts!

3 Experts in 1 Room -
Ready to Answer YOUR Questions!

Hebrews 5:14
But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

For the last 4 months, we have trained you with solid food so that you may be able to distinguish good behavior from evil behavior within your homes.

January:  When God Invades your Marriage - Tara Furman
We heard a testimony of the power of God in marriage.

February:  Getting off the emotional Roller Coaster - Autumn Weikert.
Marriage Counselor, Autumn Weikert, spoke on what a man wants most:  respect.  
She gave practical tips of what that looks like in everyday life in both the general session and the workshop! 

March:  Intimacy in Marriage - Gwen Brodd
Married for 38 years, Bible teacher and retreat speaker, Gwen Brodd told us that if we are not having intimacy with our husbands on a regular basis, we are in sin.  (See 1 Cor. 7:4)
Whew!  (That was quite a month!)

April:  Practical Tips for Turning your Marriage Around in 3 Days -
Workshop:  How go Get your Husband to Talk to you - Nancy Cobb
Award winning author and speaker, Nancy Cobb gave us practical tips for a successful marriage!  She kept us all sitting on the edge our seats.

The speakers have been amazing!

At our workshop last month, several people asked very poignant questions.  The opportunity for questions made me think of you!  You may have questions you want answered.  Or you may have had questions at our luncheon, but was not given an opportunity to ask.

What to do if you think you'll be too shy to stand and ask a question:

1.  Send me a note between now and May 11th with your question.
2.   We'll have a box on the registration table for you to place your questions when you arrive at the luncheon.

3.  There will be pieces of paper at your tables - your table host will hand the questions to the moderator.

Come prepared with your question!

Mark your calendars!  Make plans now!
May 11th!
Don't miss this exciting opportunity.  (Not sure that we can record this one!)
Whatever it is - come and Ask the Experts! They will be ready to take your questions.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hard to Love Mother-in-law?

Our plans for MAY 11th have been changed! 
Announcement tomorrow - stay tuned:)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When He Refuses to go to church - the Big Picture, Part 2

Make plans Now!!!!
I'll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia -
April 28th
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera's catering!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

When He Refuses to go to Church, Part 1

1st Annual Knowing God Ministries Golf Tournament

Friday, May 18th, 2012
The Club @ 12 Oaks
Holly Springs, NC
Click HERE for more!

We need Tee Sponsors.  Are you looking for an inexpensive way to advertise your business or ministry? 
For $100, your business or ministry will be advertised and recognized during our awards ceremony and raffle...  AND you receive a tax deduction!

Charlotte/Gastonia Girls...
Make plans Now!!!!
I'll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia -
April 28th
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera's catering!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Get your Husband to Talk to You - workshop

Tidbits from our workshop:  "How to Get your Husband to Talk to you"
Genesis 2:18 (Amplified)
It is not good, sufficient, satisfactory that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper, suitable, adapted, complimentary for him.
Below are very brief tips Nancy Cobb, renowned author and speaker, shared with us to break the silence in a marriage.   These tips were shared at our Iron Sharpens Iron workshop last Friday! 

Mark your calendar for May 11th!  That's our next luncheon.  A special suprise will be anounced next week!  Stay tuned.

(Please keep in mind:  Nancy reiterated to us that if you are in an abusive situation -  get out.) 

Here are the tips:
  • Men do not like long stories.  Save the stories for your girlfriends and give him the bottom line. 
  • Accept what he's doing for you as an act of love.  Does he wash the car?  Put gas in the car?  Thank him!  That's his way of expressing love.
  • Study your husband.  Determine what he likes and doesn't like -
  • Is your husband blunt?  Accept him the way God made him.
  • Is your husband angry?  Non-communicative?  Remote?  Pray for him.  Resolve to bring him joy despite his response.
  • Don't interrupt him when he's talking.  Look at him when he's talking to you.
  • Stop telling him how to drive.
  • Abolish the cold treatment.
  • Stop nagging - stop with the silent treatment!
  • The biggest thing you can give your husband outside of sex is respect.
  • Admire your husband and take time to thank him.
There were many more!
I had dinner this week with a friend of mine named Maggie.  She lost her husband 13 months ago to prostate cancer.  Time with this precious friend gave me such perspective.  A perspective of things that I take for granted.  Maggie encouraged me to be intentional about thanking my husband for the small things that she is now learning to do on her own.  Things she never did before.

So I:
  • Thanked him for doing the taxes so that I didn't even have to think about it this week!
  • Thanked him for changing the air filters - something I never give another thought - yet is important.
  • Thanked him for always making sure the car's oil is changed and all is good with the car -
  • Thanked him for how hard he works to provide for us.
One of the things Maggie shared with me was that for years she would get irritated that Bob never wanted her to spend any money on remodels or for the frilly things that she wanted.   He wanted them to live frugally. 

Now she understands - Bob wanted her to be provided for when he would no longer be around to provide.  And because she submitted to his wishes, she's amply provided for!

I hope these re-caps have been helpful.  Hug and thank your husband!

Have a great weekend:)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our First Golf Tournament!

1st Annual Knowing God Ministries Golf Tournament
Friday, May 18th, 2012
The Club @ 12 Oaks
Holly Springs, NC
Click HERE for more!

Proverbs 3:27-28
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.  Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow" - when you now have it with you.

Before you hit the delete button, because you're not a golfer and you don't think you can help - hold off!    If you've been blessed by these blogs.  Hear me out!
KGM is a 501(c)3 corporation.  And we are raising money in order to grow this life-changing ministry that God has begun.   Here's how you can help:
  1. Are you or your husband a golfer?  Would you be willing to play?  Or better yet, put together a foursome?  Contact me.
  2. Do you own a business?  Would you consider a tee sponsorship for $100.  Your business will be recognized during the awards segment of our tournament.  Contact me!
  3. We need prizes and awards.    Contact me!
  • Do you have at your disposal a beach house or a mountain house that you would be willing to donate a weekend getaway as a prize?  
  • Do you have access in your business to freebies that you could share with us - that would not only help us but promote your business? 
  • Do you work at a really cool place that others may want to tour? 
  • Do you have a gifting or a talent that you could share?  For example:  I am asked quite often if I would be willing to donate a "quiet time" basket etc... for events.
       4.  Gift bags for the golfers:  Do you have access to snacks; coupons; balls etc...?  Contact me.

       5.  Volunteer - If you would like to help our team the day of the event or the days leading up to the event - please let me know!

       6.  Donate $10, $15, $20+ to Knowing God Ministries to help us with the expenses of the tournament.

       7.   Most Importantly Prayer - will you pray for us?  Will you add us to your prayer list?  Will you pray that the God Who owns the cattle on a 1000 hills, will meet all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Our goal is to raise $4500!  It's a big goal.  But our eyes are on the BIG God we serve!

God does not intend for us to do this alone.  He calls the Body of Christ to help.  So if you can help in any of the above ways - LET ME HEAR FROM YOU:)

Tomorrow:  Tidbits from Nancy's breakout: How to Get your Husband to Talk to You!

Charlotte/Gastonia Girls...
Make plans Now!!!!
I'll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia -
April 28th
Speaking on Marriage and
Walking with Jesus in Everyday Life
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera's catering!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Jump Start your Marriage in 3 Days!

General Session Recap!
Genesis 2:18 (Amplified)

It is not good, sufficient, satisfactory that the man should be alone.  I will make  him a helper, suitable, adapted, complimentary for him.

If you are married, what were you thinking about when you made your vows?
  •  How pretty you looked? 
  •  The crown you were wearing - how sparkly it was - and you couldn't wait to get turned back around for everyone to see you???
This was a taste from Nancy's talk last Friday!  If you were there - you were challenged beyond your comfort zone for meaningful change.  If you were not there... get the CD - Click here!  Here are few of the highlights!


Sarah Bowman, from the Christian Action League of North Carolina
challenged us to be diligent in prayer and to vote YES for the Marriage Amendment, May 8th.

And then there was Nancy, acclaimed author and speaker.  Oh, what a treat!  Her personal stories and practical examples kept the audience sitting on the edge of their seats - for both the general session and the workshop!

Nuggets from "How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 days"

  •  Scripture says, "it is not good for man to be alone..."  Is home the loneliest place he knows?  Is your husband a lonely man?
  • Welcome him each morning with big kiss - telling him, "I love you."
  • Forgive your husband.  Do not withhold forgiveness.
  • Who meets your husband when he gets home from work - you or the dog?  YOU need to be the first to welcome your husband from work.  She calls this "reentry"
  • Blast-off:  This is sending your husband off to work.  Blastoff should be with a big hug and kiss - blasting him off into the day!
  • Love your husband - love is a choice, regardless of how you feel.
  • Submit to your husband - she gave practical tips on how this looks in everyday life.
  • Sleep with him often.  Compliment him in this area.

For more, get the CD.  Or can order the book, The Politically Incorrect Wife by  Clicking here

Tomorrow:  We Need your Help!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tormented by Guilt?

Friday, April 13, 2012
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC
Co-Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife, Nancy Cobb is our speaker Friday!
The General session:
How to Turn Your Marriage Around in 3 Days
The Workshop to follow is:
How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.
Register Now!  

Click below: 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Personal Areas of Weakness - Prayer Journal Training

Co-Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife, Nancy Cobb is our speaker Friday!

The General session:
How to Turn Your Marriage Around in 3 Days
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC
The Workshop to follow is:
How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.
Register Now! Seats are filling up fast.
RSVP by Wednesday @ 5pm
Nancy has studied the male brain for 25 years. You will learn so much, yet laugh hysterically. Both sessions will be thrilling, challenging and life-changing! Truly, you'll be sitting on the edge of your seat!
Charlotte/Gastonia Girls...
Make plans Now!!!!
I'll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia -
April 28th
Speaking on Marriage and
Walking with Jesus in Everyday Life
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera's catering!!!
Click Here to Register:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Obey and Jesus Becomes Real

Co-Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife, Nancy Cobb is our speaker Friday!
The General session:  
How to Turn Your Marriage Around in 3 Days 
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC
The Workshop to follow is: 
How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.  
Register Now!  Seats are filling up fast. 
RSVP by Wednesday @ 5pm
Nancy has studied the male brain for 25 years.  You will learn so much, yet laugh hysterically.  Both sessions will be thrilling, challenging and life-changing!  Truly, you'll be sitting on the edge of your seat!
Charlotte/Gastonia Girls...
Make plans Now!!!!
I'll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia -
April 28th
Speaking on Marriage and
Walking with Jesus in Everyday Life
2 morning sessions; 9-12 
Panera's catering!!!
Click Here to Register:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Entombed? Or Tomb Empty?

John 10:10
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."

Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Joseph and Nicodemus placed Jesus in the tomb and covered it with the stone - He was dead, lifeless and entombed.

In Anne Graham Lotz' book, Just Give Me Jesus, she gives a thought provoking analogy for modern day entombment.

"What efforts to keep Jesus buried have you seen?
  • Our modern-day culture tries to keep Him buried in the church -
  • The church keeps Him buried in traditions or rituals -
  • Churchgoers keep Him buried on the weekend like a holy hobby -
  • The religious masses keep Him buried as an icon of history -
  • The religious leaders keep Him buried in their programs.
  • The intellectuals keep Him buried in debate. 
  • The agnostics keep Him buried in doubt.
Without consciously trying , have you been keeping Him buried yourself...
  • In neglect?
  • In excuses for sin?
  • In selfishness and pride?
  • In alcohol?
  • In drugs?
  • In unconfessed sin?"*
I also call it the Sunday Morning God syndrome.  OR 
The Weekly Bible Study syndrome.  (You see, I suffered from this syndrome for many years.)

He's God and on the throne while in church or at Bible study, but entombed the rest of the week.

Jesus didn't die this horrible death just to be our Sunday morning God or our Bible Study God... And then be forgotten about the rest of the week.  And He didn't die just to save us out of hell.

He wants to be LORD of every area of our lives:
  • Professionally
  • Personally
  • Our finances
  • Our marriages
  • Our parenting
  • Our ministries
  • In our communities -
  • In our minds -
  • In the secret places of our heart -
  • In our dreams -
  • Our ambitions
  • Our decisions -
  • Our diets -
Do you get the picture? 

Where is He in your life?  Entombed?  Or is the tomb empty???

*Just Give Me Jesus, Anne Graham Lotz; W Publishing Group 2000; p296-297

Friday, April 6, 2012

Not So Good Friday

Psalm 22:1
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?
:14  I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.  My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.

Psalm 22 gives us an eerie insight into how Jesus felt as He hung on the Cross that Friday. David pens a prophetic description of Jesus' agony.

Picture from Passion of the Christ

Isaiah 52:14 says, "His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness."
The death of Jesus on the Cross was an actual event.  It's not a story from childhood or a story of myths with a happy ending.  It happened.  It was an actual event in history.  My One Year Chronological Bible gives the date of:  Friday, April 7th, AD30 or Friday, April 3, AD33.

The original "Good Friday" was not good.  It was beyond describable.  It was an absolute atrocity.

The events of that not so good Friday...
Midnight - ~4:00am - Jesus is agonizing in Gethsemane
4:00am - 5:00am - Jesus is betrayed; bound and carried off by soldiers.
5:00am - 9:00am:  The trials begin with the high priest to Pilate - Herod - back to Pilate.  Flogged, slapped, spit upon, a crown of thorns placed upon His head.  He is forced to carry His Cross outside the city.  A passerby named Simon and the soldiers force him to carry Jesus' cross as Jesus can no longer carry it on His flogged back.

9:00am - Jesus is nailed to the Cross
9:00am - Noon - Jesus is forgiving the soldiers who are nailing His hands; taking care of His mother and forgiving the thief on the Cross beside Him. He's naked. He's mocked, taunted and insulted. People stared in disgust. 
Noon - 3pm: Darkness falls on the land - a supernatural event. For the first time ever, God turns His back on His Son because Jesus becomes sin for you and for me. 
3:00pm:  Jesus gives up His Spirit.  An earthquake takes place; rocks split apart; and tombs open.  The curtain in the Temple is torn in two, from top to bottom.  The Roman officer is convicted to the core and realizes that truly this was the Son of God.  (Matthew 27:54)

A closer look at what Jesus endured...
1.      Jesus was flogged?  Do you know what flogging means? 

It was a whip of leather thongs… tipped with metal bits…  The whip would have ripped the flesh off of His back.  Jesus’ internal organs would have been exposed.   A flogging normally consisted of 39 lashes. It was beyond horrible. History records that victims would either go insane, go into unconsciousness or die.  (John 19:1)

The miracle is not that Jesus survived it - but that He submitted to it. 

He had you and I on His mind…

2.      Nails in the hands and feet? 

The wrists were considered part of the hand in the language of that day.   According to Lee Strobal, in The Case for Easter, "The Romans used spikes that were 5-7 inches long and tapered to a sharp point.  They were driven through the wrists, about an inch or so below the palm. This was a solid position that would lock the hand.  If the nails had driven through the hands, His weight would have caused the skin to tear and He would have fallen off the cross. The nails went through the wrists. The pain would have been absolutely unbearable."

Yet, He had you and I on His mind…

3.      Death on a Cross – was it immediate?
Crucifixion is an agonizingly slow death by asphyxiation.
In order to breathe, Jesus would have to push up on His feet and then release. Push up, breathe, release…  Push up, breathe, release…    Jesus did this for 6 long hours.
Why?  Because He had you and me on His mind...

Good Friday for you and for me.  A bad Friday ~ a really bad Friday for Jesus.

Have you ever thanked Him for what He endured for you?  If not, take time today to thank Him and reflect on what it cost our Lord in phyical, emotional and spiritual agony to offer forgiveness of sins for everyone who receive and believe in His name.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Greatest Event in the History of Mankind

Hebrews 12:2
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame."

The greatest event in the history of mankind will be observed this weekend.  Yet sadly, for many Americans, it will be overshadowed by golf's biggest golf tournament; the Easter bunny and the many other things that we fill our holiday weekend with.

I've decided to try to be intentional this year:

The Party
My daughter approached me on Monday and asked if we could have an Easter party on Friday.  I instantly cringed at the thought of one more thing to do...  until she told me that she wanted to write notes to Jesus - taping them to helium filled balloons and releasing them to Him.  How in the world could I resist a request like that???

She then went on to say that she wanted to get a cake and put "Happy Birthday Jesus" on it. 
Me:  "It's not His birthday.  That's at Christmas."
Caroline:  "OK," as she walked off.   "Well, let's put, 'Hope you have a good rising' on it!" 

How precious is that?  I'm not sure how many more years she'll want to do stuff like this, so game on!  We're having an Easter party on Friday afternoon.

Then there's the intentional study of the Cross...

The Gift
For the last several years, I've purposefully studied the Cross leading into Easter.  This year, I have not been able to do it.  In fact, I've dreaded it and have even resisted. 

Feeling a little guilty this morning, I sat down in my quiet time and opened my Chronological Bible to November 1st - and began reading.   I quickly realized why I've resisted...  

  • To read about my Jesus being spit upon; slapped and betrayed breaks my heart. 
  • To read about His agony in the Garden - grieves my soul. 
  • To read about His BFF's sleeping instead of comforting Him - reminds me sadly of something I might do. 
  • To read about His BFF's bailing on Him when He truly needed a friend - depresses me.
  • To read about the pressure being so intense, that He was sweating drops of blood... is almost more than I can take.

It's like seeing a family member being tortured and tormented...  Knowing it's my fault that He's being tortured.

So, I resolved to "go there" this morning.   To linger... to ponder...  just what He chose to go through on my behalf and on your behalf.   As I did, my own tears began to fall. 

The Masters is on this weekend.  No doubt, I will be watching -  As will much of the nation.   We will fix our eyes on Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson along with many of the other greats in golf this weekend... 

While the greatest event in the history of mankind is observed. 

So in an attempt to intentionally fix my eyes on Jesus instead of Tiger this weekend,  I'll continue writing these blogs.  You may not be here to read it - but that's OK.    It's a sacrificial gift to Him -   of taking the time for a closer look... at the greatest event in the history of mankind.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Favorite Bible Verses

See Video Blog Below...

Help us celebrate our 1 year Anniversary
Award Winning Author, Nancy Cobb!

Friday, April 13, 2012
Nancy is the author of The Politically Incorrect Wife
How to get your Husband to Talk to You
plus 5 more books!
General Session:
How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 Days -
$20 for those who prepay and register
$22 at the door
MacGregor Downs Country Club
Cary, NC

How to Get your Husband to Talk to You -
$5.00/if attending the General Session
$10/if attending workshop only

Seating Limited - Reserve your spot today!
Click here to register

So grab your girlfriends, your co-worker, your neighbor - make plans to come!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Allowing Scripture to Possess You - Renewal Section

See Video Blog Below -

Help us celebrate our 1 year Anniversary
Award Winning Author, Nancy Cobb!

Friday, April 13, 2012
Nancy is the author of The Politically Incorrect Wife
How to get your Husband to Talk to You
plus 5 more books!
General Session:
How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 Days -
$20 for those who prepay and register
$22 at the door
MacGregor Downs Country Club
Cary, NC

How to Get your Husband to Talk to You -
$5.00/if attending the General Session
$10/if attending workshop only

Seating Limited - Reserve your spot today!
Click here to register

So grab your girlfriends, your co-worker, your neighbor - make plans to come!