Thursday, March 29, 2012

April's Iron Sharpens Iron Announcement

Registration Now Open
April 13, 2012
May 11, 2012
Only 2 luncheons left before summer!

We are so honored and thrilled to announce, Award Winning Author, Nancy Cobb as our speaker for April!

Nancy is the author of The Politically Incorrect Wife
How to get your Husband to Talk to You
plus 5 more books!

General Session: 
How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 Days -
$20 for those who prepay and register
$22 at the door
MacGregor Downs Country Club
Cary, NC

How to Get your Husband to Talk to You -
$5.00/if attending the General Session
$10/if attending workshop only

Seating Limited - Reserve your spot today!
Click here to register

If you've been a reader of this blog for any length of time, than you know my affinity for Nancy and her books. 

Nine years ago, when I was struggling with babies and marriage - God brought The Politically Incorrect Wife into my life.  This book was a game changer in the running of my household.  It totally changed my understanding of what my role is as a wife. 

As a result, my marriage took on a whole new life - it was as if a breath of fresh air had blown through the house.  And in actuality - it was - because for the first time, I had invited Jesus into my marriage. 

When we invite Jesus into our marriages or anything we do - miracles can occur. 

Did you know that America ranks highest in divorce rate than any other country in the world?
At KGM - our intent is to be radical.   (The last few months is evident of that!  To order the CD's click: )  We want to talk about the issues you face in light of the relevancy of scripture.  Marriage is not always easy.  Yet with Christ - we CAN do all things.

It is a gift to be able to bring to you POWERHOUSE SPEAKERS!    We have a powerhouse speaker this month and another one scheduled for May.  Don't miss out!

So grab your girlfriends, your co-worker, your neighbor - make plans for a roadtrip to the Raleigh area if necessary.  These luncheons are worth the investment of time and treasure.  Praise God for the opportunity.  I certainly do!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prayers Hitting the Ceiling?

Psalm 66:18
If I cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.

Does it ever feel like your prayers merely hit the ceiling?
(Double click on the title of the blog in order to open - then click on the arrow in the video.)

What woman doesn't want to be radiant? 
Psalm 34:5
Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer Journal Series - Confession Section

Psalm 19:12-13
Forgive my hidden faults.  Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.  Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.

In order to view the video, double click on the title of the blog.  This will take you to the blog site.  Then click on the arrow in the video. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break with my Children

Genesis 33:5-6
Esau looked up and saw the children.  "Who are these with you?"  he asked.   Jacob answered, "They are the children God has graciously given to me."

(If you cannot see the pictures, double click on the title of the blog.)

My children have been on spring break for the last 2 weeks!  This morning, they went back to school.   Sorry for my absence last week, but truly, I was spending time with "the children God has graciously given to me."

 Caroline, Demi, Dane and Will (niece and nephew in the middle) and a family friend posing in the middle!

The weather was so beautiful!  The first week, we went to a newly renovated park in Raleigh.  It was my favorite park as a child.
Then we went to the Dunkin Donuts near NC State University for a yummy treat!   
So sad State lost on Friday...

 My husband's sister's kids on the end:  Dane, Will, Caroline, and Demi

We went to a resort in Myrtle Beach, SC called Dunes Village Resort.  It was a huge indoor water park.  We brought along my nephew and niece.  The kids had a blast!  Tim and I loved sitting by the lazy river in the 80 degree sunshine!  What a treat.  

Putt-putt by the ocean!

Dane (dunking the ball) Will watching in the foreground.

Tim holding down Jake, our lab.  Payton, Caroline and Will

My kids had sleep-overs with their cousins.  Pictured here is Payton, my niece.  (Side note:  she is a total girly girl.  I love telling everyone she came from my end of the gene pool!) 

2 of my sister's children, Payton, Ashton, and Caroline

At the end of last week, my mom, sister and I took our children on a road trip - to Warsaw, NC.  It was the town where my mother grew up.  
The family homestead just recently sold and is set to close in April.  It's empty, so I wanted to visit one last time.  And I wanted to show my children part of their heritage.  It was a very emotional trip for me.

I have so many memories in this home.  It was a place that always represented unconditional love and acceptance, good food and sweet family memories.
In college, it was a retreat where I studied for exams, ate good food or cried from a broken heart on a shoulder that always understood. 
During Middle School, I spent weeks at a time here during the summers. 
My grandparents would take me swimming and golfing.  I would help "put up" vegetables that were grown in this HUGE garden my granddaddy kept. - Corn, butter beans, squash, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers... you name it - he had it.
 My grandfather was the Sheriff of Duplin County for 30 years.  Oh, the memories!  He would take my sister and I for rides in the squad car and allow us to turn on the siren!
He would take us to the jail and lock us up!  We loved it!

As I grew older, he would share some of his cases with me.  One that I recall was a murder case where the preacher was the killer.  Yep, "the preacher dun it."  
Incidentally, the victim ended up being one of our distant relatives.  Drama!

My granddaddy has been gone 9 years.  There are times I miss him so much that it hurts.  But I PRAISE GOD that one day - I WILL SEE HIM AGAIN.  He belonged to Jesus.  I asked to hear his testimony before his death - just to make sure - just to hear for myself that he had accepted Christ personally.  
Boy, I'm so glad I did.  The confident hope that we as believers have that we do not mourn as the rest of the world mourns.

I wanted my children to see where their great grandparents and their great-great grandparents lived and how they lived.  I wanted to show them where they are buried - in this nice, well-kept, small town cemetery.   I wanted them to hear about the death of their grandmother's sister - just 3 days after being born in 1949.  She too is buried here.

It was a day, that I pray, my children will never forget.  I know that I never will.
And finally,
One morning (the first week of our spring break) in my quiet time, God impressed upon my heart the necessity it to teach my children.  I spend so much time teaching others - I need to be careful that I'm not neglecting my own.  So last week, during the time that I normally post these blogs  - I spent the time with the children that God has graciously given me.

I began teaching them how to use this Journal along with their quiet time.  

 I wish I could say that it went beautifully - to be honest - they were irritated by it!  So was I!!!
But I'm doing it in obedience, KNOWING that God always blesses obedience!

Thanks for allowing me to share personally today.  Glad to be back with you!

Video blog:  The Confession Section - 
Don't miss it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pretty Lipstick, Hair Color and Concealer

Don't miss how to use the Confession Section of the Journal below.  Let me know if you have any questions!

If you need a Journal:  Click here:

Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."

I don't know about you, but I love lipstick, hair color and eye concealer!
The lipstick hides the blah -
The hair color hides the gray -
The eye concealer hides the dark circles -

So I can hide the much of the yuck from you!   But no matter how hard I try with pretty lipstick; hair color and eye concealer - God sees the blah; the gray and the dark circles.

After Adam and Eve ate the fruit in Genesis 3, they sewed together fig leaves to hid their sin and nakedness before God.  Yet the fig leaves were totally inadequate to make them right before God.   And God saw straight through.

Our modern day fig leaves can be:
  • Serving extra hard at church
  • Going to Bible study
  • Philanthropy/civic minded
  • Feeding the poor and helpless among us
  • Mission trips
  • Giving more money
  • Green living
All of which are good - really good things!  Yet, we have to be careful that we have not made these good things our modern day fig leaves to make us right with God. 

So what do we do with the pretty lipstick, hair color and eye concealer before God?

WE TAKE IT OFF!   God cannot be fooled.  He sees it all! 
So as the Lord brings sin to mind:
  1. Name it and confess it to God - don't give it a pretty name.  Call it what it is. 
  2. Agree with Him - that it's sin.
  3. Ask for the power to turn from it (repent) and for forgiveness.
Don't forget:  Sin enslaves us.  It keeps us in confusion; in frustration and it poisons our lives and our children's lives.

God is good and wise and knows what is best for us.  He wants us to live with:
  • a clear conscience;
  • in total peace deep in our souls; 
  • clarity of purpose; 
  • contentment despite our circumstances; and
  • deep lasting joy that is unspeakable. 
We can't do this - unless we take off the pretty lipstick and get real before Him.

Not everyday, but sometimes I write down in the Confession Section of my Journal the sin God has laid on my heart.

Why do I do this?

I write down the sin or sin habits that seem to have a hold on me. The things I truly want eradicated but feel powerless without the help of Almighty God.

I have found that when I write down "whatever the issue is" - this helps hold me accountable. I begin praying about it - and then I watch God who enables me through the power of His Holy Spirit - empower me to be strong in my weakness.

What a joy it is - to be able to look back at the sin habits that God has delivered me from!
Click here to order yours:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lipstick on a Pig

Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."

A few years ago, I heard a comedian interviewed by Larry King say, "God is too busy with other people, He doesn't have time to pay attention to what I'm doing."  So she would continue doing what she was doing; advocating what she was advocating - because God doesn't have time to pay attention to little her.

What a great job Satan, his hosts of hell and the world has done at minimizing the accountability of sin.  In effect, the enemy has taught us how to put lipstick on a pig.  Pretty it up - so that it's not as bad as we think.  After all, we're just following our heart...

In an effort to minimize sin, or put lipstick on a pig, the world gives sin warm and fuzzy names:

  • Calling it worry instead of what God calls it --------  Unbelief in His ability to handle your circumstances.
  • Calling it a "white lie" or an exaggeration of the truth ------- God calls it lying.
  • Calling abortion a choice or a woman's right to choose ------ God calls it murder.
  • Calling it flirting or a little crush ------- God calls it adultery (if you are married.)
God sees past the lipstick.    He sees the colorless, unattractive, cracked bleeding lips.  No matter how hard we try, we can't cover our sin. 

Sin is a very big deal to God.   

God does not minimize sin - and one day, we must all stand before Him and give an account of our lives.

Have you lost sight that God is watching? Have you lost sight that God loves you and wants what is best for you, yet does not compromise His holy standards?

Nothing is hidden from God's sight.    Not even pretty lipstick.

Tomorrow:  What to do with that pretty lipstick?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Friday's Lunch - Intimacy in Marriage

Recap from Friday's Luncheon - Intimacy in Marriage

If you missed Friday's luncheon, YOU MISSED IT BIG!

Have you ever seen the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding?  If so, remember the mom trying to give her daughter advice the night prior to her wedding?  Can't remember the exact phrase, but she said something about "being a cougar..."

Being a cougar was last Friday's lunch!  (I think I'm blushing again!)
Gwen's talk was hot - yet holy.
It was raw - yet Biblical and real.

What was so awesome about it, was that it came from a woman whose been married for over 35 years; has raised 4 boys and has managed to keep the steam in the bedroom.

Without being too graphic, oh and it was graphic, I'm going to attempt to share some of the things she taught us...

She opened by having us a text a frisky message to our husband's.  The first one who got a reply won a very slinky prize.  The gal who won... was at least 7+ months pregnant!!!  The gal sitting next to me, her husband texted back saying, "Is this __________ (her name)????!!!  It was a great way to start!

We learned (which we knew) - that God's Divine purpose and plan for sex is for: 1 man and 1 woman to become 1 flesh for 1 lifetime.  That when God created Adam and Eve, He gave them sex for pleasure and procreation, saying, "it is very good."

Gwen said to have a positive sexual relationship with your husband, it requires 3 things:
  1. A biblical understanding of sex -
  2. A medical understanding of sex -
  3. A personal understanding of sex -
She gave us 3 scriptures - which were rich...
Genesis 1:28
Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure..." 
1 Corinthians 7:3-5  In a nut shell, our bodies do not belong to ourselves, but to our husband's...  read it.
She said:
  • If you've been withholding sex from your husband in any way - you are in disobedience and you need to go home and apologize.  
  • It is a medical need for our husbands.  Evey 48 -72 hours - there needs to be release.  (Yep!  That's what she said!)
  • That as women, we need to set aside our priorities and pay attention to his needs.  When we do, this is God honoring.  This is obedience to the Word and that God applauds us.
  • To always be available - to not say no.
  • That when he comes home from work, he has 2 things on his mind:, "food and sex."
  • She even laughed and said, "Tell him you are Burger King... that he can have it his way!"
OK, can I just say, that I kept on looking over to 2 women - who are on my Board of Directors as if to say, "Is this OK?"  One of them caught my eye and winked mischievously.  I later received an email from her congratulating me for being courageous enough to cover a subject that is rarely taught yet is so vitally important.

Later, as I reflected... Because the original purpose of sex has become so defiled and perverted by the world, we, as Christian women need the permission to be bold and aggressive; creative and adventuresome; available and affectionate.

Why???  Because it makes for a stronger marriage bond and thus a stronger family unit.

In Closing:
This subject was way out of comfort zone personally.  In fact, when it was my turn to close out the lunch at the end, I was so flushed, I couldn't pray.  I just had to say - "You're dismissed!  Enjoy your weekend!"  
I think it was because I was raised in the south.  And you just don't talk about stuff like this when you're raised in the south. 

Well, in this Biblical context - it needs to be talked about.  Perhaps if we did, more marriages could become sweeter and enduring.  Friday's lunch, as they all have been - was powerful!  To God be the Glory. 

Gwen, if you read this - THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE AND BOLDNESS.  You are a blessing!

The really good news!!!!!
WE recorded this talk -  As we have the others!!!
Click here to order yours! 
  1. When God Invades you Marriage - January (Tara Furman)
  2. Getting off the Roller Coaster - February (Marriage Counselor, Autumn Weikert)
  3. Intimacy in Marriage - March (Gwen Brodd)

To see more pictures, click here!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ignoring the Holy Spirit's Warning -

(Devotion is Below)

This Friday, March 9, 2012
Speaker: Gwen Brodd
Theme: Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
To receive the discount, you must register before Friday.
Click her to prepay and register.

The Knowing God Ministries team and board who are comprised of experts in the field of marriage - ranging from counselors to published authors to anointed Bible teachers...
without question or hesitation chose this month's subject:  Intimacy in Marriage

Intimacy is EXTREMELY important for every marriage.  It's a subject that is not often discussed in church. 
But if you think about it, can you imagine your pastor or priest or minister discussing such a thing from the pulpit???
  That makes it a perfect subject for us ladies to digest!
God has MUCH to say on this subject. 
God created it -
He designed it -
Sex was His idea. 

Our culture has perverted sex, dishonored it and in some places made it shameful.   At Knowing God Ministries our goal is to disciple you with Biblical truth from relevant subjects that today's woman faces. 

If you cannot come, we are recording these talks!  As soon as Rebecca is able to get them online - I'll let you know!

Our Speaker:  Gwen Brodd
Though I have never heard Gwen speak, she comes with glowing recommendations.  Evidently she keeps her audiences in stitches, while beautifully and masterfully tying her subject to solid Biblical truth.  I can't wait to hear her!  You should hear what she wanted me to get as a door prize...  Massage oils, candles, lotions etc!!! 

I opted for the book she recommended!  LOL:)

Gwen has been married for 35 years and has 4 grown sons.  She loves to encourage women in their walk with the Lord.  She believes wholeheartedly in mentorship and discipleship.  She is currently mentoring 5 young women at this time. 

Register NOW to receive the savings.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Holy Beep and the Escape Door

Register now!!!
For this Friday, March 9, 2012
Speaker: Gwen Brodd
Theme: Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
To come, prepay and register below:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just Follow Your Heart...?

This Friday, March 9, 2012
Speaker:  Gwen Brodd
Theme:  Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
To come, prepay and register below:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Short Accounts

Does God seem silent in your life?  Does your quiet time feel rote?
Could sin be seperating you from the sweetness of His voice and fellowship?

Psalm 66:18
"If I had cherished sin in my heart; the Lord would not have listened..."

Could you be cherishing sin in your heart?  Perhaps in denial.  This is why keeping short accounts are important.

What are short accounts?

We keep short accounts when we confess the sin that the Holy Spirit brings to our mind the very moment He convicts.

I may be driving down the road, cooking dinner, folding laundry, or even having a conversation with a friend, and sense a quickening in my heart from the Holy Spirit. 

For example:
  • While in a conversation with a friend - flirting with gossip, I'll often hear in my heart, "Don't say it...You are thinking it... Don't say it...  You said it.  I told you not to say it."
  • Or worrying about an issue - I'll suddenly have the thought, "Have you prayed about this and turned it over to Me?"
  • Or let's go deeper - when you see that handsome man and you are married - and you want to start a conversation or bump into him at gym.  "Besides, what's wrong with a little bit of flirting?" you say.  Oh, that's not God, dear friend.
  • Or when you're tempted to look "him" up on facebook.  You tell yourself, "There's not harm in just a little bit of research!"  That too, is not God.
The Holy Spirit will quicken your heart when you are teetering toward danger.  It's up to us to respond... Quickly repent... And get in line with His leading in our life.  This is keeping short accounts.

When we do, God will hear our prayers and we will hear His voice whispering into the depths of our heart saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

Iron Sharpens Iron - is next week!

Friday, March 9, 2012
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC

Theme:  Intimacy in Marriage
Speaker:  Gwen Brodd

Prepay:  $20
Click here to register:
$22 at the door