Monday, December 31, 2012

Let There Be Fireworks!

Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works,
 and glorify your Father, Who is in heaven.    
Matthew 5:16

Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM! (Ooooooo. . . . )
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  POOM!  POOM! (Ahhhhhh!)

The glorious sounds of fireworks - be it at New Year's or Fourth of July.  


 For whatever the celebration, fireworks never fail to “light my fire.”

I cannot trace the origin of this, but the Fourth of July is probably my favorite holiday.  To me, it is ALL joy, celebration, and freedom, and zero, zip, zilch obligation.  It’s food and fellowship with family or friends. . . and a gigantic “scratch” to my pyromaniac “itch” through sparklers and pyrotechnics.

Toward the end of my mother’s life, Independence Day also became her favorite holiday.  Maybe for this reason:

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Ephesians 5:1

In fact, the last painting she created before she graduated to glory in 2008 was of fireworks.  We used it and Matthew 5:16 as the cover for the bulletin for her memorial service. 

See, fireworks were the perfect analogy for Mom’s life.  Be not misled:  she was not a large, flashy show.  FAR from it!  She was as behind-the-scenes as a person can get.  Rather, coming into contact with my mom personally was like being touched by a life-giving light-source:  it “lit you up” and propelled you to ignite others who were also waiting to catch fire.

So, we handed out sparklers at the end of her service, and asked those who came to take a private moment some other time to light that sparkler and pray to touch others in such a way that makes the world brighter.

I believe firework imagery rides disguised throughout Scripture. 
Let there be light!
[Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  Imagination, mine! ]
And there was light.
Genesis 1:3

Yep, the first, most-amazing-ever firework!

And just LOOK at how God chose to announce the earthly arrival of His Son:
One angel appears at first, right?  But THEN. . .

Suddenly, a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel . . .
  Luke 2:13

That was nothing, if not a glorious angel-filled firework display created solely for the purpose of announcing the arrival of Emmanuel, God with Us, to earth.  Now THAT is an event worthy of fireworks!
From now on, I hope fireworks will help you recall two things: 

  • ·      The glorious night and way God chose to shout, “I’m here with you!” and
  • ·      That you should be so afire with His love that you ignite others, too.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. 
Live as children of light.    
Ephesians. 5:8

May the light and "good works" of Jesus in your life be gorgeous to behold, girlfriend!

Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM! (Ooooooo. . . . )
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  POOM!  POOM! (Ahhhhhh!)

(Happy New Year!)


[NOTE:  Fuller recently published her first book,  Just As . . . I AM  (Vol. One), 
a worship-based Bible study with on-line worship playlists and NO HOMEWORK! 
To learn more, or to connect with her, go to ]

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Lessons, Part 2


Zechariah 4:10
Who despises the day of small beginnings?

3. Don't despise the smallest, humblest beginnings!

Are you disheartened and discouraged by baby steps of faith?  Perhaps overwhelmed by your failures?  Repent and confess to the God of forgiveness and move on in a daily walk with Jesus through the ups and downs of everyday life!

Are you disheartened by your feeblest effort to speak and stand for Jesus? 
Just Speak of HIM!  Just stand for HIM with boldness around your Christmas table and trust God with the impact.  

Jesus understands small, humble beginnings:
HE who was born and laid in a manger..... (Does it get any more humble?)
Rev. 19:11-16 (allow me to hit the high points)
Heaven [will one day] open up,
HE who sits on a white horse called 'Faithful and True' will descend ...
HE is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and
His name is called the THE WORD of GOD...
And He has on his robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS."

O, come let us adore HIM,

O, come let us adore HIM,

O, Come let us adore HIM, Christ the Lord!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Lessons, Part 1

Three  Hidden Lessons of Christmas

1. God's Word is TRUE and it will ALWAYS BE TRUE!

Isaiah 7:14        "'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel."
Matthew 1:18       "This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about:  His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit."
Just as foretold, IT WAS SO!

2. Don't make judgments based on appearances:  GOD wrapped his Greatest, Richest Gift in the poorest of  packaging!

Luke 2:7      "And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped HIM in swaddling cloths , and laid HIM in a manger..."

Third Lesson tomorrow!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Praying vs Controlling

Matthew 1:18-20
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about:  His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.  Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, no not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
What do you do when your husband does not cooperate with your plans? 
For many women (me included) this is a hard one.  After all, we control most everything else in our households. Why not take control of our husband's "wrong thinking" and set him straight?
Take a look at what Mary did and the results that followed:
  • She did not manipulate through sex or anything else -  
  • she did not attempt to control Joseph's behavior;
  • she did not use passive aggression to get her way.
She resolved to obey God - placing her husband-to-be (and his thinking/planning) in God's hands.  It is not said that she prayed for Joseph, but we certainly see evidence of God intervening on her behalf.
Praying; trusting the Holy Spirit to invade wrong thinking and redirect anything that is not of Him is really hard.  It requires walking by faith and not by sight.  It requires trusting that God will be our mouth piece.  Sometimes it requires waiting. 
But here's the really cool part:  God DID invade Joseph's thinking in a way that was powerful and effective by speaking to him in a dream.  Joseph obeyed God immediately - taking Mary to be his wife.  (Don't you know that Joseph's actions must have thrilled Mary's tender heart?)
Finally, Mary and Joseph would be "on the same page" - God's page.   And Mary didn't have to say a word or do anything.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Value of Time Alone

Luke 1:26-28
"...God sent the angel Gabriel, to a virgin named Mary... The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."
There's something very profound tucked away in these 3 little Scriptures: When Gabriel visited Mary, she was alone.
Now, it wasn't Christmas, but Mary was in the midst of planning a wedding.  Weddings were a big deal in the Jewish culture. Quite often, the whole town would be invited.  
Yet we see that Mary valued quiet moments in her day despite the hectic-ness her circumstances mandated.  
Because she valued quiet moments, she placed herself in the position for God to tell share the profound with her.
How often do we miss what God might want to share with us because we're:
  • Fiddling with our IPhone -
  • Scurrying around town for last minute gifts -
  • Busy cooking, cleaning or doing laundry -
  • Or just can't turn off the music or TV  - filling our quiet space with noise.
Take time to enjoy quiet moments.  God may share something profound with you... 

Food for thought?   Would God have moved on if He couldn't have gotten Mary's attention?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gas for the Train

Ministry Monday on Tuesday
KGM has touched: 
24 Cities
2325 People
10 Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheons/5 Workshops
139 Blog Posts
22 Videos to Help with Your Quiet Time
1 Golf Tournament
8 New Resources that have changed our lives - now offered to you!
7 Marriage Unplugged!
CD's to help you learn to be the wife God intends for you to be -
10 Volunteer Staff
9 Board of Directors
Below:   Pictures!  And 2013 Goals in helping you GROW
It takes GAS to run the Train - 
Help us Grow this Life-Changing Ministry
in 2013!
As you consider Year-End donations - please remember Knowing God Ministries.
Your Contribution of $15, $25, $50 or more is so very appreciated.
Your ENTIRE donation is tax deductible.


YES!  We have FUN in the process!!!
  Growth in 2013:
Newsletter - with articles helping you grow stronger and bolder in your:
Relationship with God
Your Marriage
Your Parenting
Your area of Ministry
Leadership Workshops @ ISI -
Currently, where can women go to learn how to lead a Bible study? Start a Women's Ministry? etc...We desire to GROW LEADERS for the Kingdom. 
Workshops each Month for ISI
We pay our speakers and workshop leaders a very modest honorarium.  It takes gas for the train!  Help us to help women grow making Jesus their every day - not their "add on" activity.
Annual Women's Conference
Begin the initial planning stages of what we hope to be our first annual Women's Conference.
Bible Study
We currently have a Bible study that advocates a life style change of DAILY seeking God.  It has been life changing for many women and men who have done the study.
This Year - We hope to bring Part 2 
A study that will advocate LIFE STYLE change in learning how to listen for the voice of God  in the everyday and walking in step with Him.
THANK YOU for you Help!

Monday, December 17, 2012

No Ordinary Day - Newtown, Ct.

There are no words to describe the anguish.  

Today, my waking thought was:  Friday morning, these people:
  • Woke up, like any ordinary day. 
  • Made their coffee, like any ordinary day. 
  • Got ready for school and work, like any ordinary day.
But Friday, December 14th was no ordinary day.

I've been at a loss...asking for guidance to KNOW HOW to pray in the midst of such devestation. 

The thought that keeps coming up to me:  These children are in heaven with Jesus.   No longer in the arms of their loving parents, but in the arms of their loving Creator. 

My dear  friend, Nicolette, co-founder Seeds of Mustard Ministries, lost her first baby, London.  London was born with a heart defect and died in surgery several days after being born.

Nicolette, had grown up in religion, but never really got it. 

So Bible in hand, she eventually immersed herself into the pages of Scripture... Never mind her previous mindset or what she had been spoonfed for years and years.  She was determined to learn for herself "where London was."  She desperately wanted to see her baby again.

And then one ordinary day as she laid in her tear soaked bed, the Scriptures suddenly came alive in her heart. 

She saw, as never before, the familiar outstretched arms of Jesus on the Cross.  Except on that day, those arms were inviting her to come to Him...  So He could wrap His loving arms around her grieving heart... Giving her hope for the day and the next, and the next...

That day, her eternal destiny changed!  It was no ordinary day.

I'm praying that the family members who do not know Jesus, perhaps like my friend, may only know religion -  will go on pursuit to "find their children." 

And may the God of the Universe, who led my friend into the arms of Jesus,  lead them into the same loving arms Who is now holding their children...  Making it no ordinary day.

John 1:4, "In Him [Jesus]was life..."
John 14:6, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Rejoice in what will be one day for believers...
Revelation 21:4, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Torments You?

Isaiah 9:1
Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.

What torments you?  Is it fear?  Bitterness?  Anger?  Worry or anxiety?   Today's Scripture was my BIG lesson this year. 

Last Christmas, while reading the Christmas Scriptures section, in my Christmas Keepsake Journal, the Holy Spirit turned on a light in my heart and said, "You know, Tara,  you do not have to deal with these fearful thoughts. You are doing so by choice. No more gloom is available, if you want it..."

Up until then, fearful thoughts that had been tormenting me for years.  But since grabbing hold of the above Scripture - and the two below. Something NEW has happened.

I now confront my tormentors with God's Word!  Keep reading.
Immanuel, God with us, has come! Through His life, death, resurrection and indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit - a new covenant was ushered in for those who believe.  I have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, out of ignorance, I was allowing myself to live in a gloominess that Jesus NEVER intends for me to have.

How does He take it away?  Hang with me.  Read carefully...

Isaiah 9:4
You (Messiah) have shattered the yoke that burdens them (me and you), the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.

Jesus has shattered the yoke of torment that burdens us.  (Notice the verb is past tense)

We no longer have to carry the weight of the bar of [our tormentor] across our backs - for Jesus has destroyed the rod of our oppressor!  (Our oppressor = the devil and his demons who torment)

Colossians 2:15
And having disarmed the powers and authorities [the devil and his demons], He made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. 

If Jesus has triumphed over the yokes that burden and torment us, why do we still allow our tormentors a voice in our ear?

3 Suggestions for help:

1.  Spending time in God's Word each day so that we KNOW truth. 
(I didn't know that I do not have to fear.  This was new truth to me.) 
2.  Memorize Key Scriptures (like the ones above)
3.  Speak it OUT LOUD when the tormentors starts filling your mind.

They go away. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Respecting your Husbands

FRIDAY, December 14th
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
Guest Speaker:  Amy Carroll, Proverbs 31 Ministries
General Session:  Shades of Grey and Other Cultural Conflicts
Preregistration Rate ends Wednesday!
Click HERE to Preregister

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ministry Monday

Luke 17:15-17

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.  He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him.
Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?"
The story of the 10 Lepers from Luke's gospel can be so convicting.  How often has God blessed us...  We run off with the blessing, never returning to say thank you?
I'm guilty!  Lord, help me.  Therefore, I'm working on training myself to be like the 1, not the 9.

Ministry Monday

As a way of saying, "Thank you to the Lord,":  1.  For YOU the reader and
2.  For the impact He is allowing Knowing God Ministries to have in our corner of the world, I want to give back - as a way of saying thank you. 
1.  For you:  20% off our Christmas Journal 
A $15 gift for $12!  (This week only)

Perfect gift for Teachers; Girlfriends, Sisters, Mothers and Daughters!

Click HERE to order
What's inside?  2 sections:
Practical tips for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas...  
Space to record 6 years worth of precious Christmas memories!
2.  How has KGM encouraged your spiritual walk with Jesus?   
"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent Bible Study and Prayer Journal.    I am the mother of 10 children and attended the retreat at the beach with Northwest Community Church where you spoke. 
I was so moved by your teaching on quiet times and having a growing and vibrant relationship with the Living God that I came home and ordered your materials right away.    I have enjoyed them so much that I also ordered sets for each of my oldest 4 children. They have been enjoying them as well!    I so want them to have their own walks with the Lord.  I firmly believe that if they can get a-hold of the teachings you offer, their lives will be changed and they can be used greatly of God but also avoid the years of wondering, like I did as a young believer.    Nothing like a face-to-face relationship with God to dispel any notion of being a spiritual orphan!   
My 10-year old son gets up with me every morning at 5:30am to read his Bible and pray at the same time I do.   All of my children are studying daily, as a part of home school.   I see them growing greatly in Christ as they dive deeply into His Word and learn how to pray (something I've always struggled with and just didn't know how to teach them...that is, until now!).
Your Bible study and Prayer Journal are life-changing and to God be all the glory for what He is doing in our lives. Thank you too for being willing to share what He has taught you. Blessings upon you and Knowing God Ministries!    I pray the message will reach far and wide because the Church needs this word desperately, and she doesn't even know it."
Would you be willing - as a thank you to Jesus - briefly share either on the blog or facebook  - how KGM has pointed you to Jesus? 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Heaven on Earth: A New Definition

“I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.”
Psalm 116:9

“It was heaven on earth!” is a phrase often used to describe over-the-top experiences, such as a symphony, sunset, or an evening with one you love.   Heaven in those instances could best be summed up:  no pain, only joy.  In other words, it’s all about us.

I’ve spent time this past year thinking over the phrase from the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”   (bold, mine)

To me it hints at the somewhat radical idea that I could experience portions of heaven now.  The thought growing in me is this:  We don’t have to WAIT to get to heaven; we are able to experience  portions of it here on earth, if we have eyes to see what heaven really looks like.   Jesus Himself told us to ask for it.

So I wrestled with my idea of heaven:  what does it look like? 

My images do not include hugs from deceased family members or streets of gold.  (Even though those images are of heaven.)  Those portions of heaven can’t be translated to earth right now.  

So what can? What am I to seek?

My heart tells me it’s:  
  • A special place in heaven called the Throne Room.  The place where the presence of the Lord dwells, reigns, shines, and is worshipped. 
  • It’s the place where we worship Him, and EVERYTHING else fades away until the only thing that matters is telling Jesus we love him, and
  • Receiving His love which soaks every fiber of our being. 

THAT is heaven: being in the presence of the Lord. (It's all about Him!)   And that portion of heaven CAN come to earth. 

I searched the Bible for ideas of heaven-come-to-earth, and one image from the Bible really leapt off the page and into my heart. 

Read Daniel 3 (Old Testament) right now.  It’s quite a story!

Three men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were experiencing ANYTHING but huggy-times and beautiful sunsets.   Life became a fire wanting to consume them.  But in the midst of the fire the Lord came to them.  In the very center of their trial, they were ushered into the Throne Room of God and “they walked before the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 116:9) – and the Kingdom came to them.  They stepped into “heaven on earth.”

So what about you, girlfriend?  Are you facing fiery trials? Are the flames drawing near?  If so, have faith to see that you have stepped into a portal that can usher you directly into the Throne Room of heaven  - for He is true to His name, Emmanuel . . . Jesus is WITH US.  He is with YOU.  And you truly can experience heaven NOW.  I will pray that you will have the faith to believe it, eyes open to see it, and will experience the glory and power of His Kingdom come . . . to YOU!

One day, may your testimony even be of this fiery trial:  “It was heaven on earth!”

(For further encouragement, read all of Psalm 116.)

[NOTE:  Fuller recently published her first book,  Just As . . . I AM  (Vol. One), 
a worship-based Bible study with on-line worship playlists and NO HOMEWORK! 
To learn more, or to connect with her, go to ]

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thank you

 2 Corinthians 2:14
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in trimphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Coddling Sin, Part 2

2 Corinthians 1:21NLT
It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ.

I must have struck a nerve with last week's post - Coddling Sin.  (By the way, I apologize for taking so long with a follow up.  I had a Board Meeting amongst many other life issues.  Thank you for your patience.)
Your Responses
I really enjoyed reading your responses.  Some of you shared stories of great opposition when you stood firm to Biblical principles with friends and acqaintances.  One of you, a business owner, experienced great hardship when you took a firm stand to God's definition of marriage.

To bring closure, I'd like to share 3 responses from women who are my teachers and have years and years of experience in ministry.   I think you'll benefit from the specifics of their answers!
True Friends - Phyllis Foy, November's ISI speaker's response:
In my own life, three women came and told me when I left Bob and was living in sin that I was wrong, that I would regret this and God would judge me.  They spared no words and prayed with me and for me.  They loved me and helped more than anyone will ever know.
There were times I hated them, loved them, could not stand them, othertimes I called them to cry. They were true friends, they did not spare words or the Bible.  They told me the truth, not what I wanted to hear.
Confronting Lifestyles of Sin -
Carol G.'s response:  Bible Teacher and in ministry for over 40 years -
"The key is confronting in love - with the goal of helping the Believer acknowledge their sin, repent & be restored. We need to be certain that we have removed our "planks" before confronting another's "sliver".  We may need to stop having fellowship with someone who chooses to enjoy their sin, but we should never stop loving & praying for them. Any confrontation should be done with humility & sensitivity lest we turn someone farther away from God."  

Rachel A.'s response.  Rachel is a Bible teacher who does lots and lots of research.  (She's also a scientist at Duke!)
Unchecked sin among believers weakens the Church and its influence in the world.  I think this is why Paul was so adamant about it in his letter to the Corinthians. It is also important to remember the context and audience of his letter. He was writing to a group of former pagans who viewed sex as a normal part of their culture and even their pagan worship practices (temple prostitutes). 
They may have been comparing themselves to their unbelieving friends/family members and were so busy judging them that they didn't have time to deal with the sin in their own life. We do this too when we choose to judge those who aren't believers. What other way should unbelievers act? They are spiritually dead, they don't have the power to do anything else.
The believer has been given the Holy Spirit and His power to say no to sin and therefore we should stop excusing a lifestyle of sin.  I think this is who Paul says to avoid, those believers who are living a lifestyle of sin, a continual pattern of sin, not the believer who is coming out of sin habits (maybe not all at once) but definitely continuing to grow in Christ. If we truly avoided such people perhaps they could no longer justify their sin because they would see that it was costing them their fellowship with other believers. This is minor compared to their loss of fellowship with the Father.   This may lead to repentance.
The way we go about breaking the tie would require much prayer and we would certainly need to be sure that our own lives were above reproach (not without sin as this is impossible but certainly with no known continual sin) so perhaps this would cause all believers to take personal holiness a lot more seriously.  

I hope this helps!  It sure helps me to have a stronger backbone and for more grace!
See you tomorrow:)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Poor Among Us

Proverbs 21:12
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
I've had an extremely busy week.  We ARE NOT finished with our conversation that I started on Tuesday!  So many of you responded  to "Coddling Sin."   Some of those responses will bring great clarity and encouragement.  Can't wait to share!
But before I do, I received an email from a good friend of mine, Nicolette, who is one of the founders of, Seeds of Mustard Ministries asking for help.  Their local thrift store uses the proceeds to help familes in crisis or distress - all in the name of JESUS!
After reading her story, you will be able to see why I'm sharing this with you -
As the Lord leads...  Here's her story -
On Monday of Thanksgiving week, my ministry partner, Debbie was in the midst of people at Thrift 'n Gift, a local NC thrift shop supporting the needs of Seeds of Mustard (SOM) Ministries.  Then entered the Johns family, 3000 miles from their home in California.  (See Picture below)

The Johns' family consists of two parents and two children (12 and 13).   The mom, Shanai, has an 8-year-old son that was not with them.  He had been taken by his father last year and brought to NC without her consent.   Only a letter from the NC courts regarding custody allowed Shanai to locate him. The Johns family, already struggling in their California apartment, packed their van and household and headed to NC.

With limited funds and no jobs, this family of four has been living in their car.  The children are unable to be registered in school because they do not have an address.  SOM, prompted by the Holy Spirit, literally joined hands on Monday afternoon and began to pray.  Within minutes the purses opened following the prayers.  Several hundred dollars were donated to house the family through the Thanksgiving week.   


SOM needs YOUR HELP.   We need $800 per month for three months to give the family shelter and an opportunity for employment. Gift cards for gas and or groceries can be sent or dropped of at Thrift 'n Gift, 1381 SE Maynard Road, Cary NC 27511.

We are asking for $5, $10, $15, $25, and $50 donations (not to exceed $50 donations per family) by November 30, 2012.  To donate, go to the Seeds of Mustard website
 and click the PayPal Donate button.

Both parents are seeking employment and have already met with Durham Rescue Mission, The Caring Place and Raleigh Rescue Mission.  God has closed all of these doors, so we believe He has prepared SOM to step out in faith and obedience to ask you to help us help this family.  

At the Thanksgiving table, just Thursday, Shanai told us that she knows Jesus told her to come to NC so that her eight-year-old son would still be a part of her life.  Her words were, "Sometimes the Lord takes you to the edge of a cliff and tells you to jump."  
Smile:   "He will either catch me or teach me to fly."

Thank you for reading.

The Johns Family (center)
Debbie and Nicolette, Founders, Seeds of Mustard, on the left and right