Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Divine Appointment on a Beach in Freeport -

Poolside with family - Almost too cold for laying out!
1 Corinthians 3:6
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."

My family and my husband's extended family went on a cruise for Thanksgiving.  It was my first cruise.  And now that I'm back on land, my body still thinks it's at sea.  When will the woozies stop?!

Anyway!  Friday afternoon, our snorkeling excursion was cancelled to due to high winds.  (Thank you Jesus!)  The water was cold and the wind was whipping.  So a few of us decided to find a beach and experience the local flavor.  Experience we did!

We made camp on a public beach.  Within moments, we were barraged with Bahemian people trying to sell us one thing or another.  Someone even offered my husband hot wings flavored with "Bahemian spices..." AKA: weed.  Needless to say, he politely declined.  But when "Lillian" approached, something inside me said, "engage her."  Lillian was selling necklaces and bracelets.  I asked her to sit down.

My daughter and niece were quickly trying on her many creations.  They were beautiful.  Not really my style, but unique all the same.   Quickly, I knew why I had heard, "engage her:"  The God of the Universe wanted to speak to her.  And He wanted to use me to do it.  What an honor. 

I can't tell you how often I've blown divine appointments.  But, something was different this time.  A supernatural love for this woman washed over me.  And a realization that she's destined for an eternity in hell unless she knows Jesus was more than I could stand.  So I boldly, yet gently began to engage her.

I asked her about her family; where she lives, etc...  I then began commending her on her abilities to make jewelry.  I told her that she had an amazing gift.  I asked her if she realized that the God of the Universe was Who gave her that gift.  She said, "yes.." 

I then gently asked her, "Do you know God?  Do you know if you're right with Him?"

She responded by saying, "He is my Lord."  (Good answer!  Very encouraging!  But this is not enough. I'm fishing for Jesus.  I'm fishing for a moment in time when she realized she was a sinner and accepted JESUS as Lord.) 

So I responded, "Well, how do you become right with Him since He's your Lord?" 

"By serving Him?" she said almost quizzically.   I was beginning to notice an irriation. Before losing her,  I looked into her beautiful dark eyes and slowly told her that, "God loved her.  That Jesus is the only way to be right with God.  That God loves it when we serve Him, but that Jesus - acceptance of Him must come first.  He's THE only way... to the Father."

Lillian quickly redirected her eyes and the conversation,  "You need to come speak at my church."  (I had never mentioned anything about being a speaker.)   She was definately squirming at this point. A nerve was hit and she was uncomfortable.   She then proceeded to tell me how great her church is...  And how often she goes...

I just sat and listened attentively with a smile on my face.

We bought 3 of Lillian's necklaces that day.  As she was getting up to leave, I put the bait out there again, "If you want to know how to be right with the God of the Universe... the same God Who gave you this amazing gift, please come back before you leave the beach today."   Lillian promised to come back - but never did.

Despite my disappointment, a seed was sown into the soil of Lillian's heart last Friday.  I believe God cancelled our snorkeling trip, because He had His eyes on ONE woman - on a beach in Freeport.  A woman whom He wants to draw to Himself.   And I guess He knew He could count on me to be His ambassador.  (Not sure why He felt that way.  I've disappointed Him so many times in the past.)  But the God of second chances gave me another chance.   And another one the next day in Nassau!

Be watching for YOUR divine appointments.  Don't shrink back - but boldly have the courage to speak what He places on your heart. 

When you get to heaven, you may never know who may thank you because you took the time to plant or water the seed of Jesus in their heart.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Big Announcement #2

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man [woman] sharpens another.

In addition to opening our luncheons to all women, we will begin hosting quarterly workshops!  Some of the reasons we have chosen to go the workshop route is:
  • We can begin to offer targeted specific information.  Example:  A workshop geared for Women's Ministry Leaders:  How to Host an Event or Advertising for your Events etc...
  • To sharpen each other.
  • To grow spiritually.
  • To become prepared to serve Jesus in our corners of the world - wherever that may be!
  • Connecting women with mentorships -
Some of the workshops topics may be on:  Marriage; Parenting; How to Lead a Bible Study in your Neighborhood; Prayer Journaling; Accessorizing Your Closet (we want to be fashionable, but we can't dress like the hoochie mama!)

Timing -
One of the things we have found over the last few months:  women are lingering past the 1:00 end time.  They love the fellowship! 

Workshops will be held the same day of the luncheon - almost immediately following.
1:30-2:30pm.  We are hoping that women who have children needing to be picked up from school, can still be accommodated.  (Me included!)

February is our goal date for the first workshop.  In order to maintain a standard of excellence, we will probably offer only one workshop that month.  Eventually, our goal is to give you 2 choices. 

This is alot to be excited about!  We hope you are as excited as we are!

One woman last month commented, "that no where has she met women who have a genuine love for Jesus than at Iron Sharpens Iron."  This woman has connected with women who speak her language.  She looks forward to it every month.  She's marked her calendar.   

We want to bring women together...To meet like-minded women so that you can grow stronger in your relationship with the Lord and be IMPACTFUL in your home, workplace, neighborhood, school, church, tennis courts, ball fields etc all for God's glory!

Mark your calendar today!  Our next meeting is:  Friday, December 9th.  11:30am-1:00pm.  MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC.  $16/pp.
Let us know if you want to be on the list to receive the monthly invitations- 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Changes to our monthly Women's Luncheon, Iron Sharpens Iron

Hebrews 5:13 NLT
"A person who is living on milk isn't very far along in the Christian life and doesn't know much about doing what is right.  Solid food is for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right."

First Big Announcement:   Up until now, Knowing God Ministries monthly luncheon, Iron Sharpens Iron has been targeted specifically to women leaders. 

Now, starting next month, Iron Sharpens Iron is opening to ALL WOMEN.  You do not have to be a leader to attend!

Why the change?   Since when we first began hosting this luncheon in April '11, we've had leaders from across the spectrum attending (and continuing to attend.)  When asked in the monthly evaluation form what topics they wanted covered - the answers were so diverse and widespread.  Many of the topics would never be appropriate for the general audience because they were leadership specific.  The topic that may appeal to a 1/3 of the group - but not to the rest of the group.  (The answer to this is coming in the 2nd BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!) 

Another reason for the change - it's been my desire all along to have this same kind of format for ALL women.  However, my team and I cannot imagine hosting 2 luncheons a month.  You would not imagine the titanic effort it takes to host one. 

As I shared this with my team in August,  we went to prayer to ask God for His perfect will.    God seemed to quickly give my team unity on these changes back in early September.  I was the hold out!  I had both things compartmentalized as 2 separate events - and couldn't seem to get past it.

I share all of this with you because I want you to see the relevance and power of the Holy Spirit when making decisions.  What He has done for me - He will do for you!

How God Changed it:
In mid-September, my team had oneness on opening the lunches, but having target specific workshops following the lunch to accommodate some of the specific needs.  (More on this to come!)  At our meeting that day, I was prepared to argue my point - as to why it needed to be 2 separate events. 

I asked the ladies on my team to go back to the original Scripture God used when He called us to start hosting these lunches.  

Suddenly, the Words jumped off the page and began confirming EXACTLY what my team had been trying to tell me.  (God brought me into allignment - not them!)  Listen carefully, "...to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up... and become mature."  Eph. 4:12-13 italics mine.

It was as if the light came on - this luncheon was to be open to all of God's people...  So that they may be built up and grow in maturity and to be prepared for service.

I have been so excited since that meeting!  Since then, we've been in prayer as to how to proceed.  The only thing missing was the approval of my Board of Directors, which as of last Wednesday - I have!  (They only meet quarterly.)

God is at work!  It's time for the Body of Christ to come off the baby food and grow to maturity in Christ.  As God has blessed me with a team of strong women in the Lord, I'm often reminded that sometimes I'm still "drinking milk."  They challenge me to GROW spiritually in wisdom and understanding.  They also challenge me to live a life worthy of the calling I've received. 

WE WANT TO DO THE SAME FOR YOU TOO!!!  This is huge!  We hope you are as excited as we are.  If you live in the Raleigh/Cary/Durham area of North Carolina, let us know if you want to be included on the monthly invitation!

Tomorrow:  The 2nd Big Announcement!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quick to Ask

2 Timothy 3:1-4

"But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be:
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,
unholy,without love, unforgiving,slanderous,without self-control,brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God -"

Would you describe yourself as ungrateful?  Be honest. 

Now let me ask you an even harder question:  Would the Lord describe you as ungrateful?

Until recently, I wouldn't have thought I was ungrateful.  I tell people "thank you," all the time.  Sometimes, I feel like I go overboard.   Yet clearly, the Lord showed me otherwise!  He opened my eyes to several areas of total ingratitude. 
So one area He showed me was how quick I am to ask for His help, His provision, His wisdom, etc...  But am I just as quick to say, "thank you," when the answer or the provision comes?

Sadly,  NO.

Due to the busyness of everyday life, I'm forgetting to be thankful.  Taking His grace and His mercy for granted.

Are you as quick to say, "thank you," as you are to ask for things in prayer?  Perhaps you pour out your requests to Him, and like me, have been taking the answers for granted.

Next Post:  Restaurant Gratitude -

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Behaviors Seen in the Last Days

2 Timothy 3:1-4

"But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be:
  • lovers of themselves,
  • lovers of money,
  • boastful,
  • proud,
  • abusive,
  • disobedient to their parents,
  • ungrateful,
  • unholy,
  • without love,
  • unforgiving,
  • slanderous,
  • without self-control,
  • brutal,
  • not lovers of good,
  • treacherous,
  • rash,
  • conceited,
  • lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God -"
Based on numerous passages in the Bible AND the formation of Israel in 1948, I believe we are living in perhaps one of the last generations prior to Christ's return.  I watch and read the news with totally different eyes now.  (Did anyone hear about the earthquake yesterday on the opposite side of Turkey?  What about the unprecedented snowacane hitting the border of Alaska?  Or Italy now in financial trouble?)  I'm taking note of world events.

And as I watch the news, I see the above behaviors EVERYWHERE.  But before getting my pointy finger out, I decided to do a self-check. 

Sadly, some of the above behaviors describe me.  Do any of them describe you? 

We need to be aware of the world we live in and stand firm in our convictions.  Don't bow to political correctness.  (Holiday vs Christmas - Oh, you just wait.  Can't wait to go there!  This is one of my hot buttons!)    Be holy; be set apart; don't follow your friends behavior merely to fit in.  Jesus IS coming back. 

When?  Not even Jesus knows.  Only the Father knows.  But signs are telling us, the time is approaching.

And if it is today, I don't want to be found ashamed when He gets here -

Have a great weekend!

Girls of:  Wakefield Baptist and
Fairview Baptist - can't wait to see you!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In the Last Two Months Alone...

Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22
"For thus says the Lord of hosts, 'Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and also the dry land.  I will shake all the nations...  I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations." (bold mine)

Earthquakes, tsunami's, famine, flood, uprisings, revolts, lawlessness, sex scandals - 

Over the last 2 months I've been writing in detail, giving specific illustrations and examples as to why I believe God is shaking the foundation of most everything we hold dear.  Yet in this two month period of time, take a look at what's happened... 
  • The Turkey earthquake, 7.2
  • The London riots
  • The Occupy Wallstreet movement that has turned into lawless riots throughout not only large American cities, but throughout the world.
  • Libya joins other Middle Eastern Kingdoms, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria, whose power base has been overthrown - all since the start of 2011.
  • Financial unrest in Greece - that's on the verge of sending the globe into another financial crisis -
  • Earthquakes in Oklahoma that started this past Saturday.  (Yes, that's plural.  Look it up!)
  • Record blizards in 4 east coast states - state of emergency declared for each state -
God is trying to get our attention.  Are we listening? 

Following the 9/11 simulcast with Anne Graham Lotz, Joel Rosenberg outlined 4 reasons for the "shakings:"  

1.  God is shaking us because He loves us and He wants us to wake us up to our idols and our sin - for us to repent.
2.  God is shaking us because He wants us to realize there is no One else who can satisfy us or give us true peace and security except Jesus Christ.
3.  God is shaking us because He has a purpose for each believer and for the Church as a whole.
4.  God is shaking us because Jesus Christ is coming back soon, and the time to get right  with the Lord is running out.

Are you listening?  Or is your head back in the sand? 

We'll pick up on #4 tomorrow!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do you Have a "Tent"?

Ellen Stevens, me and Autumn Weikert,
2 gals on the Knowing God Ministries ministry team at the Colonial, Refresh Your Heart Conference.

We had a great time Saturday at the Refresh Your Heart Conference!  If you are new to my blog from the Conference on Saturday - Welcome!

One of the big themes from my keynote - was that we can all hear from God and know His will for our lives.  But it starts with...

Exodus 33:7
Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp... calling it 'tent of meeting'.  Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp."

Last week on the news, I heard a startling statistic: 1 out of 15 families are living at or below the poverty level which has been defined as a combined income of $22,000/year.  Many of the families highlighted used to be middle to upper middle income households.  Talk about a humbling shift.

So many are out of work right now.  Men who have been in certain professions for years - have been forced to change professions or learn a whole new trade altogether.  Many have been forced into bankruptcy and foreclosure.

The impact this has on the family and on marriages can be dramatic.   Now more than ever, we need Divine direction.

I have a special place in my house where I spend time reading my Bible and praying.  It's away from the epicenter of the home.  It's cozy and comfortable.  I have all my supplies beside my chair:  Bibles, devotionals, my Prayer Journal, books, pens, and highlighters tissue all organized in a basket.  This is my "tent of meeting."  It's my special place where I hear specific direction from Jesus.

Now keep in mind, I'm not hearing audible voices.  Yet, most every time I open my Bible, I hear His voice speaking into the recesses of my heart.  As I begin in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to connect my circumstances to what I'm reading - I receive direction!  I receive guidance.  I receive comfort and encouragement.

He wants to talk to you too!

Do you have a "tent" where you meet with the Lord?    If you do, how often do you "go into your tent?"  Or are you trying to figure out your circumstances in your own wisdom and strength?

If you don't have a tent, designate a spot in your home that's cozy and comfortable.  A place you can look forward to visiting.  And then make it a point to go there DAILY - so that you can receive direction, guidance, comfort and encouragement from the God of the Universe.

Related Resource for learning more about a "tent."  Click here to order: http://www.knowinggodministries.net/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Obedience and Open Doors

It's not too late to sign up!
Join me -
 at the
2011 Women's Refresh Your Heart Conference
Colonial Baptist, Cary NC

in your spiritual growth/ in your family life/ in your daily life

Saturday, November 5
Register today! 
Hope to see you there!

1 Samuel 15:22
"Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice..."

All God wants us to do, is obey His voice.   Even when it's difficult.

In 2006, before God called me to publish a homemade-God-inspired prayer journal,  there was something that had to be moved out of the way.  It was an unconfessed sin that I had harbored for 11 years.

In 1995, I had gossiped and said not nice things about a former friend to a mutual accaintance.  This former friend found out and called me on it!  Talk about totally busted!!!

So when confronted, guess what I did?  I lied and denied...

And for 11 years, God never let me forget it. 
So in 2006 when I desperately needed Him to move in my personal circumstances (having nothing to do with ministry), God placed this incident on my heart yet again.  Without a doubt, I knew that I was to get in touch with this former friend and apologize.  (I felt like a total fool.  Yet I resolved that I'd rather look like a fool to this girl, than to God.)

Before I could procrastinate or rationalize it away, I called her - 2 times.  She never returned my call.  So God allowed me to write a note confessing the sin and offering a genuine apology.  (God is so merciful!)

OH, the bricks that came off when that letter was mailed!    Obedience brings such inner joy.  Within days of this act of obedience, God revealed what He wanted me to do with my life - publish a prayer journal.  (Talk about out of my comfort zone.  This story for another day.)  

With the publishing of the prayer journal, He opened the door for a speaking ministry.  Which opened the door for a Bible study.  Which opened the door for the existence of Knowing God Ministries.  Which has opened the door for this blog.  Which has opened the door for regular women's luncheons where women are provided a place to go deeper in their love walk with Jesus.

All of this began with a single act of obedience - confession of a sin.   And with each step of obedience along the way, door after door has opened.  And revelation to His will has come into greater clarity.

Ask God what your first step of obedience may be... Then do it.  And watch Him open doors that no man can close!

Related Resource:  Click here to order:  http://www.knowinggodministries.net/

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Finding Satisfaction

Join me this weekend
 at the
2011 Women's Refresh Your Heart Conference
Colonial Baptist, Cary NC

in your spiritual growth/ in your family life/ in your daily life

Saturday, November 5
Register today! 
Hope to see you there!

Colossians 1:9 NLT
"We ask God to give you complete understanding of what He wants to do in your lives..."

When the Body begins operating at full capacity, using all the features that have been wired into us, much like the iPhone - this is when we will really begin to live!  This is when we begin to truly make a difference in our corners of the world.   And personally I have found, this is when we find true satisfaction in life.  (Yet don't forget -making a difference always STARTS in our home.)

Yesterday, I asked where God is nudging you to use the gifts He's given you?   Did anything immediately jump into your mind?

It is so easy to say, "No," to God when He impresses upon our heart something that He wants us to do, that we don't want to do.  Perhaps it's too hard and out of our comfort zone.  Or we don't want to take the time to do it.  Perhaps we think it's too much of a disruption to our lives.  Or that it's not high profile enough. 

Let me encourage you with this thought...Where, then are you seeking true satisfaction in life?   We may find temporary satisfaction in the things of people, money, career...  But permanent, deep satisfaction is only found in a right relationship with God for Whom were were created.  And living and doing life in the center of His will.

Ask God to give you complete understanding of what HE wants to do in your life.  Don't resist Him.  His ways are best.

Related Resources:  Click here to order:  http://www.knowinggodministries.net/