It's late Thursday night/early Friday morning. Our time machine has landed on a small ridge east of the city of Jerusalem. The moon is full. Jesus and His disciples have just shared the Last Supper. One of the disciples, Judas, as slipped away from the group. Jesus is leading the 11 into the Garden of Gethsemane. There's lots to see and absorb. I apologize ahead of time for the length...
In order to understand your surroundings, read:
Luke 22:39-46
Matthew 26:36-46
What we can see...
Jesus instructs 8 of His disciples to "Sit here while I go over there and pray." (Isn't it interesting that He has not told the 8 to pray? Just an observation... A lesson for another day.)
Jesus instructs a group of 3 - Peter, James, and John - His best friends, to walk a little further. He begins to tell them,
"My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and pray with Me." Peter, James and John have NEVER seen Jesus like this. In fact, it's the first time in Scripture that we see Jesus in this condition.
Going a little farther, He falls with His face to the ground and begins desperately pleading,
"Abba, Father [Daddy], everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me..." Jesus is clearly rattled and unnerved. No where in the Gospels do we see Jesus in this frame of mind.
What's happening that we can't see...
He knows what's coming. The prophet Isaiah, gives us a glimpse into what Jesus is thinking and what He's facing. Isaiah paints a picture the Gospels do not give us.
- "His appearance will be disfigured beyond that of any man and His form will be marred beyond human likeness." (52:14)
Will it be the beatings? The flogging? The crucifixion that causes Jesus to take this disfigured form? Yes, part of it. But even bigger than that... Jesus was preparing to BECOME sin. He Who had never sinned; Who was totally perfect; Who never had a bad thought or uttered a sinful word or did anything wrong in God's sight - would take on everything bad you and I have said; everything bad that you and I have done; every bad thought we have had.
Sin is a serious offense in God's eyes. Today our culture seems to water it down so that it seems less offensive. Personal responsibility has taken a back seat and our sin is often blamed on others; or on our circumstances; or on an addiction or disease. We think this will somehow excuse bad behavior. However, God does not water down sin. Sin is sin. There are consequences for sin. Someone must atone in order for sin to be forgiven and to be right in God's eyes. Jesus knew that He was born in the world for such a time as this. But it didn't make it easy for Him. In fact, what He was asking the Father in essence was, "Is there any other way???"
What is the most horrendous sin you have ever committed? What sin habits are you currently entrapped? What in your past are you horribly ashamed?
- The penalty for that sin - the penalty that you and I deserve - Jesus was about to take the penalty for us. We live at peace with God because Jesus voluntarily took the bullet for us. Isaiah says, "the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him."
When was the last time you thanked Him for taking your punishment?
- Jesus was preparing to be separated from His Father. Don't forget, Jesus was with God in the beginning. (John 1:1-3; Genesis 1-2) They had never been separated. Jesus knew that on the Cross, when He became sin, God would turn away from Him. This was almost more than He could handle. It was almost too high a price.
Sweating Drops of Blood???
We see His anguish as He's wrestling in prayer. In fact, the more earnestly He prays, He's sweating drops of blood - blood that's falling to the ground. Could this be a figment of our imagination? Is He really sweating drops of blood?
This very uncommon medical condition is called hermatidrosis. Lee Strobal explains in The Case for Easter, that this is associated with a high degree of psychological stress. "What happens is that severe anxiety causes the release of chemicals that break down the capillaries in the sweat glands. As a result, there's a small amount of bleeding into these glands and the sweat comes out tinged with blood." The other effect this has on the human body is that it "sets up the skin to be extremely fragile so that when Jesus is flogged by the Roman soldier the next day, His skin would be very, very sensitive."
Where is Everybody?
Where are His friends - at the time He needs them most? Where is God? Is He listening? Or is He remotely detached from His the cries of His suffering Boy?
The disciples? His best friends... the ones He begged to pray with Him - are sleeping. (Have you ever felt like the ones you need the most are unengaged and detached emotionally in your time of need? Jesus knows how you feel...)
God? He loves you and I so much - He knows there's no other way. So instead of turning a blind eye to pleading of His Son, we all of a sudden see an angel! God has sent an angel from heaven to strengthen Jesus in His time of need. To give Him the mantle of strength that He would need for the journey ahead.
When was the last time you received a phone call; an email; a check; a break through - just in time? This came from your Father - Who will never turn a blind eye to you. His ways and His timing are perfect.
You and I were on Jesus' mind and heart that night in the Garden. He sweat drops of blood at the thought of living in eternity without you.