Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gloom and Distress

1.  Iron Sharpens Iron - New Online Registration!
Marriage, marriage, and more marriage - 
Register Now for January 13th  Lunch!

2.  Facebook Thursday!

Jump onto Facebook, Thursday, January 12th 
Anytime: 9:30am-10:30am
Knowing God Ministries fan page!
Last Thursday was great!  Enjoyed talking to you:)

3.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!

Join me this week for Prayer Journal Training -
Here on the blog:)
If you do not have one, order one today!

Gloom and Distress

Isaiah 9:1
"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."
(We will focus on the content of this devotion in the days and weeks to come.  Don't miss a single word.  Let me know if you can relate.)
I LOVE TOTE BAGS!  Let me show you the one my husband got me for Christmas! 

(Caroline picked it out!)  For anyone who knows me, knows that pink is "my color." 

Over the last few weeks, as I've studied "the Baby born in the barn," and all that means in this day and age. One of the big lessons I've learned is that Jesus' birth brings something that I have not been living.  

"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."  Isaiah 9:1
(Jesus had not been born when this Scripture was written.  This verse describes what Messiah would do once He got here.  Read Isaiah 9.)

For way too long, I've been carrying areas of sadness, gloom and distress in the deep tote pockets of my heart.    Oh, I can pretty it up on the outside - but deep, deep down - it's there.

While reviewing my 2011 Prayer Journal over the last few weeks, the Lord revealed to me that these areas of gloom are so comfortable and at home in my heart - that I don't even realize they're there.  I've been living with them.  Sadly, they've become those friends that passively torture your heart - filling you with sadness, dread and defeat.

Yet, the Baby born in the barn that cold, starry night, CAME to deliver us from this deep sadness, gloom and distress.  For example:
  • Shame and embarrassment -  Divorce?  Abortion?  Addiction? Bankruptcy?  Foreclosure?
  • Disappointment and distress -  Shattered dreams of what was to be.  Vocationally...  The man you said, "I do" to, hasn't turned out to be your prince Charming.  (Please come to ISI this week if this is yours.)  Children in rebellion. Finances out of control.
  • FEAR - from things in the past... 
  • FEAR for the uncertainties of tomorrow... 
FEAR is my big one. 
What's in your pretty little tote?  Oh friend, we can dress up and pretend it isn't there - but it is.  It's become a squatter in the residency of your heart - living there without your permission - but you doing NOTHING about GETTING IT OUT.
As I begin 2012, these areas are no longer welcome.  They must NOT ONLY BE THROWN OUT, BUT they must be DESTROYED.

Isaiah 9:1 is a promise from the Lord to me...  And to you - if you will accept it from Him.

Please know, doing the same old thing - the same old way, will not yield different results.  We must be intentional.  WE must go on offense.  In some cases, we must get radical in our pursuit to be free.

What I will share in the weeks to come, you may not hear in many churches.  Yet, do not fret, everything I share WILL be BIBLICAL.  There are days that I will have to divert and talk about ISI or something else.  But rest assured - this is my focus as I start 2012.  The squatters of gloom and distress must go!

Are you with me? 

Question:  What's in your pretty little tote?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

I'm so happy to be back and I'm so happy that you are here!!!    Even though I cannot see you, many of you take time to connect with me personally so I feel a bond with you.  I've missed you over these last few weeks.

Christmas Break was refreshing.  We were home the entire break!   Both my husband's family and my own live in the same town - so it makes holiday's especially easy.  No airports, long lines, or treks down an Interstate.  I especially love getting to sleep in my own bed each night.  It's a blessing that I probably take for granted!

I did not send Christmas cards this year.  There is part of me that feels guilty about that decision - especially for each one that I received in the mail,  I wanted to reciprocate.  But to be honest, they stress me out - BIG TIME!  And when I get stressed out, my kids and husband get the brunt of it.  So in lieu of becoming more stressed on top of the cooking, shopping, decorating and the wrapping - I opted out this year. 

So I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to share some of my pictures with you now.

This is my mom and dad.  They always prepares a feast for us!  We love going to their house.

My husband I enjoying all the appetizers. 

Brunch Christmas Morning at my sister-in-law's house - front right.

This year, we celebrated Christmas very differently.  Tim and I sat our 9 and 11 year old down and told them that we will only be celebrating Christ from now on at Christmas.  That Santa is not real - of course they already knew. 

(Now I realize that some of you may have very strong feelings about the Santa thing.  Please don't send me notes telling me that I've ruined my children.  My sister and I did the Santa thing growing up and we turned out just fine.  We both are in full-time ministry and love Jesus with our entire being.)

Paul Newby's wife, Macon gave me this idea.  So, Christmas 2011, the Furman's started a new tradition!  It's worth sharing, so take notes and do it in your home next Christmas.

Roped off area.  You can see the black hearts on the landing area.
We roped off the gift area of our house - as seen above.  So when my children woke up - they were forbidden from entering the gift area.  In lieu of gifts, they were given 4 black hearts.  (One for each family member.)

The gift area represents heaven.  And heaven is closed to those whom have black hearts.  You must have a white heart before you can enter.  (I strategically hid 4 white hearts - it was a scavenger hunt of sorts!)

However, Jesus came into the world to give us white hearts.  Therefore, we must find Jesus, so that we can find our white heart and enter heaven.  (Ideally, you should hide the white hearts under "Jesus."  Perhaps in a nativity scene or snow globe or picture etc...)   

They had such a great time searching for the "white hearts.".  It didn't take long before they found them! 

What a beautiful visual of the reason for Christmas - Once they found the white hearts, I stood at the entrance to the gift area and allowed them entrance as they gave me their white heart.  We closed by reading the Christmas account in Luke 2 and portions from Max Lucado's, "An Angel's Story." 

It was a sweet, sweet tradition that I pray we look forward to for many years to come!  Macon tells me that she continues to do this year after year even now with her young adult children.

Thank you for allowing me to share my Christmas memories with you.  I have much, much to tell you.  See you back tomorrow.

Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Standing Firm during Christmas Celebrations

Luke 2:1

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth, to Bethlehem, because he belonged to the house and line of David.  He went there to register with Mary..."

A few days ago, I had lunch with friends.   One of the gals, who has far more Bible knowledge than I mentioned, that it was not necessary for Mary to travel the 75-80 miles to Bethlehem. That Joseph could have gone by himself to register and saved Mary the discomfort and inconvenience of the mountainous journey.

So why did Mary go?    Can you imagine being 9 months pregnant and riding on a donkey through mountainous terrain for 75+ miles? 

What was happening in Mary's circumstances to make her want to go this inconvenient distance?
  • Were the whispers and ridicule from others too humiliating to endure without Joseph around?
  • Were the interpersonal relationships within in her family too hard to deal with following the news of her pregnancy out of wedlock?  After all, it had been 6 long months of being misunderstood by the people closest to her...
When all she had done, was yes to God. 

When you and I choose to say yes to God and to the best of our ability live the Bible in our everyday lives, we too will often be misunderstood, just like Mary was.  Sometimes by those closest to us.

As we prepare to gather with family and friends over the Christmas weekend, I want to encourage you to stand firm in your godly behavior.  The temptation to fit in and be accepted is quite powerful.  

There are people in my life - people that I will encounter this weekend, if asked would say that I've "taken this God thing just a little too far."    Saying yes to God and being misunderstood is really hard.  After all, I just want to fit in, to be accepted.

If you are in circumstances such as these, stand firm with me dear sister - loving those around you, not judging in any way shape or form but just allowing your light to shine, they they too may want to know your Jesus. 

Power verses:
"Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."  1 Peter 5:8-9

You are the light of the world.  In the same way, let your light shine before men...  Matthew 5:14, 16

Let's vow to pray this for each other.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Series #6: Is the Easy Road God's Will?

Matthew 1:19-21
...he had in mind to divorce her quietly.  But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream...
"Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus..."

In our natural minds, the road of least resistance is typically the direction of choice for most of us.  Even when there's big circumstantial reasoning, the easy road is often interpreted as God's perfect will for our lives.

No necessarily so...

Joseph "considered" the easy road.  He was well on his way down that road...  Then God intervened. (See yesterday's devotion.)

The road God wanted Joseph to be on was not the easy road.  After all,
  • He would be the talk of the town.  Like Mary, he would completely lose his upstanding reputation and the reputation of his family would be at risk.
  • He would be misunderstood by his family - possibly criticized or shunned.  (When your family begins to question your calling - it's super hard.  This would be torturous to Joseph.  After all, your family is often your core.)
  • He would marry a year ahead of schedule. 
  • He would have to exercise supernatural self-control as he was to take Mary to be his wife, but he could not sleep with her.
Yet the road God wanted Joseph on was smack in the center of His perfect will... 

So despite the consequences, Joseph refused to doubt God's road vs the easy road.  Joseph courageously took the turn from the easy road to road that would lead him to the center of God's will - confidently KNOWING and expecting God to provide for their every need. 

I don't know about you, but I want to be in the center of God's will.  It may not be easy, but there's protection in the center of God's will.  There's favor in the center of God's will.  There's blessing in the center of God's will.

So the next time you have a decision to make, don't assume the road of least resistance is God's will.  Ask Him.  If you genuinely want to be in the center of His will, He'll lovingly reveal the way. 


Knowing God Ministries
KGM is now able to accept "Appreciated Stock."   I've been learning about this.  It's a huge win for donors!  Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 

Your seed of $10, $15, $20 or of computers,  helps us to offer life changing ministry to women at no cost.  You are helping:
  • women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life - changing the way they think; the way they behave. -
  • women become wives according to God's instructions -
  • women experience God in their everyday lives.
Your gift, no matter how small or large is truly appreciated! 
Merry Christmas!!!
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Save the Date!

Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or separated - these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter's, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Series #5: Confidence in Decision Making

Great ideas for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas and for
Recording your Christmas memories!
Click: or visit Charlotte's in Raleigh's Cameron Village
Click on the Journal - indicate Christmas Journal during ordering process.

The Things I love about Christmas! (Devotion below)

I love Christmas! 

Last night, we rode around, looking at the Christmas lights.  Yesterday afternoon, my kids, niece and I watched, "It's a Wonderful Life."  I've seen this movie dozens of times, yet I still cry at the end when Harry Bailey is whisked in and gives a toast to his brother George Bailey, "the richest man in town."  Even now, a knot forms in my throat!

Christmas is truly one of my favorite times of the year.  So I thought I'd share some of my surcees, (my word for treats) of Christmas!  I'd LOVE to hear your favorite things of Christmas.  Please share -
  • Chocolate covered cherries!  Yum!!!
  • Riding around looking at the lights-
  • Harry Connick Jr.'s Christmas CD - every song on it!
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • And yes, "Christmas Vacation."  Sorry if this disappoints you:) 
What are some of your favorite things???

Matthew 1:19-20
Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.  But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream...

Decisions, decisions.  One of the fears that I have when making big decisions is, "What if I'm wrong?  What if I'm off?"

Do you ever fear this?  There are times that I am so paralyzed by the magnitude of the decisions that I have to make, that I just don't make one.   And absent from a direct Word from God, which I heavily rely upon, I end up procrastinating - hoping miraculously God will just make it disappear.

As I've studied Joseph's account this week, God has shown me afresh that you and I do not need to fear making big decisions.  Joseph had a huge decision to make.  Yet, clearly from Scripture, he was about to make the wrong decision. 

And then our sweet, loving, and kind God, ever so gently intervened.  But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife..."

Lately, I've had big decisions to make for our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheons.  We are in the middle of renegotiating our contract and a slew of other initiatives that we want roll out in 2012.  In the last week, not hearing a direct Word from God, this weak indecisive woman has had to prayerfully make bold, courageous decisions. 

I have been so comforted by Joseph's account in Scripture.  God has comforting me by showing me that: 
  1. When our hearts are pure before the Lord - (meaning: not perfect, but making sure our motives are pure in God's eyes.) 
  2. When our conscience's are clear - (meaning: we are not cherishing sin in our lives. Psalm 66:18)
Then we can confidently (prayerfully, goes without saying) make decisions KNOWING that if we're wrong, God will gently place us on the path that we missed.  The same God who did this for Joseph, will do this for you and me!

I hope this is freeing to you this morning.  It has been for me!

Next Post:  The Easy Road vs The Center of God's Will  (more from Joseph's account!)


Knowing God Ministries
KGM is now able to accept "Appreciated Stock."   I've been learning about this.  It's a huge win for donors!  Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 

Your seed of $10, $15, $20 or of computers,  helps us to offer life changing ministry to women at no cost.  You are helping:
  • women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life - changing the way they think; the way they behave. -
  • women become wives according to God's instructions -
  • women experience God in their everyday lives.
Your gift, no matter how small or large is truly appreciated! 
Merry Christmas!!!
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Save the Date!

Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or separated - these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter's, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Are you doing God's Job?

Great ideas for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas and for
Recording your Christmas memories!
Click on the Journal - indicate Christmas Journal during ordering process.
Matthew 1:20-21
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."

Every Monday night, my husband and son have us ALL watching a segment on ESPN called, "C'mon Man!" 

C'mon Man is a series of either the bone-headed or unbelievable clips from the weekend's football games.  We all love, "C'mon Man!"

As I was studying Joseph's account this weekend, I wondered if that was Joseph's response to Mary's news that she was pregnant...  I'm sure he had no reason to doubt the integrity of Mary's character, but pregnant... By the Holy Spirit?  "C'mon man!"  No way!

So after sorting through his emotions, which I'm sure was a range of anger, fear, sorrow, and unbelief... Joseph does the most honorable thing he knows to do..."divorce her quietly." (v19)

What happens next is so profound...   NO WHERE in Scripture does it say, "Mary tried to convince Joseph."  Or that she, "begged or pleaded with Joseph."  Nor does it say that, "she tried to manipulate Joseph's reaction or the situation".  She told him AND waited patiently for God to do ONLY WHAT HE COULD DO. 
 So in God's perfect way and in His perfect time, He sent an angel to tell Joseph, "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."  (underline mine)

In other words, "Joseph, don't be afraid.  She's not lying to you.   What is conceived in her IS from the Holy Spirit."

All to often, I try to do God's job.   Yet, if I will just WAIT and stop trying to explain, convince, manipulate or control, God will do it on my behalf.  Listen to the words of Psalm 37:

:5 "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this:
:6  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. 
:7  Be still before the Lord and wait patiently..."

Mary sat still and let God do His job.  As a result, God vindicated and defended Mary in such a way that got Joseph's attention; prompted an immediate response and forever changed Joseph's heart.  Far better than she could have dreamed of doing.

So what or whom are you trying to convince?  Control?  Or manipulate, in order to have things your way or the way you think they ought to be?

Allow Mary's actions redirect any controlling or manipulating tendencies - and watch God do the impossible in your life.

Knowing God Ministries
KGM is now able to accept "Appreciated Stock."   I've been learning about this.  It's a huge win for donors! 

Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Your seed of $10, $15, $20 or whatever helps us to offer life changing ministry to women at no cost.  You are helping
  • women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life - changing the way they think; the way they behave. -
  • women become wives according to God's instructions -
  • women experience God in their everyday lives.
Your gift, no matter how small or large is truly appreciated! 
Merry Christmas!!!
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Save the Date!

Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or separated - these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter's, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Series #3: Friendships: Do you have an Elizabeth in your Life?

Luke 1:39-40
Then the angel left her.  At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth.

How like God!  In the middle of news with such huge consequences, (discussed yesterday), God recognized Mary's need for another woman who could relate to her.   

So in His loving kindness, He provided a friend, Elizabeth.  Elizabeth was not only a relative, but a  friend who could speak her language.  A friend who had walked where she was about to walk.  A friend who could share her joy and her belief in the impossible.

Two women - two questionable pregnancies - sure to stir some talk in town! 
Two women - one too old - the other too young. 
Two women - who would forever share a similar bond.  

Truly a friendship orchestrated by God Himself.  It's such a blessing to see how intimately aware God is of our emotional needs.

Yesterday morning, I met my dear friend Amy for coffee.  I treasure our moments together - as they are far and few between due to our schedules.  Yet, Amy is one of my Elizabeth's.  

We both have similar callings, yet she's much further ahead than I.    As one of the Proverbs 31 speakers, Amy travels the country.  She also works directly under Lysa TerKeurst, the founder of P31 as a Next Step Speaking Services Director.   

Amy is able to talk my language.  She's understands what I encounter and is able to give me helpful suggestions.  She's also is able to give me perspective about the inside workings of an established, godly, women's ministry.  We had so much to talk about, that our morning coffee turned into lunch time coffee!
Do you have an Elizabeth in your life?  A mentor of sorts?  God has blessed me with several Elizabeth's.  (I share several of them with you at our monthly Iron Sharpens Iron lunches!  Our lunches - are a great place to meet Elizabeth's.  It's also a great place to be an Elizabeth!)

I remember when I first decided to be more than a 1 hour a week church girl.  I decided that Jesus was going to be my life or nothing at all.  When you make decisions like this - you need Elizabeth's in your life.  Women who speak your language and will encourage you in your walk.  God provided for me.

I remember when I decided that I was going to be a wife according the God's instructions - not the culture's.  I needed Elizabeth's!  God provided!

I remember when I decided to get out of the boat of my comfort zone and start doing the things God was prompting me to do.  Boy, did I ever need Elizabeth's in my life.  And faithfully, God provided, yet again.

Where are you in your walk?  Do you have an Elizabeth in your life?  A mentor?  Someone who can encourage you in your walk with the Lord?  If not, pray.  Ask the Lord to send someone to your path.  And then take the initiative to ask them, "Would you be willing to mentor me?"

When you connect with an Elizabeth, your faith; your resolve to stand firm in a godless culture and your boldness for the Lord will soar higher than you will ever imagine! 


1.  Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or seperated - these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter's, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

2.  Are you looking for an end of year tax deductionHeading into 2012, we need your help! 
Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organziation.  Your gifts and donations are tax deductible. 
Your gifts and donations are:
  • helping women become more than a 1 hour a week church girl -
  • helping women become wives according to God's instructions -
  • helping women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life - getting out their boat so that they can fulfill their callings!
Your support helps continue these blogs.  Your support helps keep the cost of our lunches low so that we can have an impact on as many women as possible.  Your support provides resources to help other women grow in their relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Consequences of Obedience

As my children grow older, I don't want to forget our Christmas memories together. 
This wonderful little keepsake Journal is the perfect tool for recording your precious Christmas memories!

Click on the Prayer Journal - when ordering make sure you indicate you want the Christmas Journal.  Limited supply remaining.

Luke 1:38
"I am the Lord's servant.  May it be to me as you have said." 
Mary was a poor, young, uneducated teenager who was chosen for the assignment of assignments.  She was an unlikely candidate who made herself available to God.

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, Gabriel was sent to Mary.
"Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.  You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High..."  Luke 1:30-32

The news was wonderful!  Yet at the same time, the consequences of Mary's obedience were possibly traumatic.
  • First of all, she was engaged.  In that culture an engagement was equal to marriage minus the ceremony and consummation.  To break an engagement would have required a divorce.  How in the world was she supposed to tell Joseph that she was pregnant?  And of all things - God did it?  How was he supposed to believe that?   Saying yes to God meant possibly losing Joseph.  And remaining unmarried for the rest of her life.
  • Losing her dream wedding that she was certainly in the throws of planning with her mother -
  • Being shunned by her family.  Therefore being forced into prostitution or begging to earn a living.
  • She risked being killed.
  • She risked losing her friends.  Why would anyone want to be friends with a harlot?
  • She risked losing her good name and reputation.  The whispers would become, "She isn't as sweet as we thought now is she?"  She would endure stares and whispers for the rest of her life if she stayed in Nazareth. 
 Yet Mary's answer to the angel was not, "Let me think about it," or "Let me pray about it."  It was:
"I am the Lord's servant.  May it be to me as you have said."  (Luke 1:38)

Mary trusted God with the consequences of obedience.  I wish I were equally as quick.

Will we trust God when He says, "forgive," even though the person has not asked for forgiveness.  Or when God says, "Submit to your husband" - even though you want to insist on your way.  Or when He asks us to step out of our comfort zone and do something we've never done before...

Will we trust Him to be BIG ENOUGH to handle the consequences of our obedience?   Mary did. 

And the first thing God did was provide SOMEONE who could understand her belief in the impossible- Elizabeth!

Next posts: 
1. God provides a sweet friendship!   
2.  God sets Joseph straight so that Mary didn't have to!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Duped by God?

Luke 1:6-7
Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly. 
But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.

Lately, something upsetting has happened to me in ministry... and I feel duped.  Worse yet, the enemy taunts me with the thought that it's God who duped me.

My husband and my team know the circumstances - all very godly people.  Yet, even in their eyes, I fear they too think, "Man, she's been duped."

I wonder if Elizabeth and Zechariah, John the Baptist's parents felt the same way?  They were doing everything they knew to do - wholeheartedly following the Lord, yet Elizabeth was barren.  Jewish homes were meant for children.  The fact that God had not blessed Elizabeth's womb, most certainly led people to think they were cursed and that their godly lifestyle was in vain.

Yet, Scripture says, that's not how God saw them. 

How God saw in Elizabeth and Zechariah?                     What their friends and family saw?
     Upright                                                                                       Cursed
     Righteous                                                                                    Disgraced
     Pleased with them                                                                       God punishing them

Often, our circumstances can make us feel abandoned, dissed or thrown under the bus by God.  Yet, when our conscience is clear before Him, you and I must choose to stand firm on what Scripture says  - not on how we feel or how bad our circumstances may seem.  Because...
  • God is faithful to the faithful - (Psalm 18:25)
  • The one who looks to Him will never be put to shame. (Romans 9:33)
  • We know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.  (Romans 8:28) 
Elizabeth and Zechariah trusted the Lord despite what others thought and despite the depth of grief in their circumstances. 

Is this the end of the story?  NO! 

At the "proper time", a miracle occurred!   God miraculously intervened!  (Dare I say, finally!)    God did something only He could do!  He opened Elizabeth's womb in her old age, and she became pregnant. "The Lord has done this for me," she said.  "He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people."  Luke 1:25

Yes, I feel duped and yes, I feel thrown under the bus.  But I resolve to stand firm trusting in the Lord, knowing that at the proper time, He will intervene in a way that can only be Him.  And He will receive all the glory!

Do you feel duped?  If your conscience is clear, stand firm.  At the proper time, God will intervene.

Knowing God Ministries
Did you know that KGM is an IRS identified, non profit ministry?    All donations or gifts to KGM are tax deductible. 

If KGM has been a blessing to you, prayerfully remember us now that we are at the end of  tax year. 

Please mail your gift or donation to:
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

"If we have sown a spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you." 1 Cor. 9:11

Next Post:
  • Luke 1:26-38  Mary's encounter with the angel, Gabriel. 
          • Trusting the Lord with the consequences of our obedience -
          • Trusting the Lord with our husbands -

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Luncheon with Justice Paul Newby

My Amazing Team 
Left to right
Kelly Hollis, Gayle Early, Ellen Stevens, me, Tricia Cullen, Melody Merritt, Autumn Weikert

Proverbs 22:1
"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."
Our luncheon Friday was the "cherry on top" to the 2011 Iron Sharpens Iron lunches.  Our speaker, Supreme Court Justice, Paul Newby was amazing!  So honored... so honored to have him.  (Sorry I don't have a picture of him.  Our normal photographer could not come.  My mind was too distracted.) 

Justice Newby is up for reelection next November.    Judgeship races are theoretically nonpartisan.  Yet, in the real world - its very partisan.  Judgeship's are very important because judges determine the direction of the country.  This man needs to be reelected.  He needs your support.  Our state needs your support in reelecting him.

In case you missed it, or was there and wanted a recap, here are some highlights.
Very Impressive
First and foremost, his knowledge of Scripture is profound.  He quoted as many as 10 verses verbatim from memory without looking at notes.  Today's verse was one of them.  (As a speaker, that's hard to do in front of an audience.  I often fumble my words.)  Not Justice Newby. Very impressive.  This tells me, it's on his heart and he's living it daily.

Growing Up
He said that he woke up most every morning seeing his mother and father in their quiet time and on their knees in prayer.  He joked and said that when "he became a teenager, they stayed on their knees even longer!"

Advice to Moms and Grandmothers and Wives -
To pray for your children fervently and for your husbands.  He's not sure where he'd be were it not for the the prayers of his mother and wife.
To have your kids memorize scripture and to be diligent in this area.

Standing Firm:
He shared that after being elected to the Supreme Court in 2004, he was told that "He shouldn't be so outspoken about his faith.  That he may want to keep it to himself." 

His response?

As the British Royal Navy puts it, "I'm nailing my colors to the mast."

What that means is that in the Royal Navy, the sailors will nail the sovereign's flag to the ship's mast as they sail into battle so that it can not be hauled down and replaced with a white flag of surrender. 

So in other words, Justice Newby refuses to surrender to popular opinion or personal intimidation or even political pressure. He votes according to the federal constitution and the state constitution.  (Which also happens to be based on Biblical principles).
"Do you have like-minded company on the Supreme Court?"
Out of the 7 judges on the Supreme Court, he and 2 others get together to pray prior to holding court.  He made clear, "not that we always get along or see eye to eye, but these other justices know that I love them, so a bond and friendship has been formed."

How can we pray?
He challenged us to pray regularly for the Supreme Court.  "That when the Justices are in conference, it's a spiritual battle - especially when moral issues are being argued. 

The best way to pray:  "for wisdom and civility." 
How to pray for the upcoming elections?
He says that he prays first and foremost "that God would raise up godly men and women to lead the country despite political party.  Absent of godliness, he prays for moral men and women to be placed into office." 

Clearly, God has strategically placed Paul Newby in one of the highest seats in the state.  Justice Newby's visit was very encouraging to me because it's evidence that God still has His eyes on our country  - that He hasn't given us over to ourselves (Romans 1:28).  And what hope that God has strategically placed other men and women like Paul Newby in high office.

Please remember Justice Newby next November. 

Knowing God Ministries
KGM is an IRS identified, non profit ministry.  If KGM has been a blessing to you, prayerfully remember us now that we are at the end of  tax year.  All donations or gifts to KGM are tax deductible. 

And frankly, we need your help. 

Please mail your gift or donation to:
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

"If we have sown a spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you." 1 Cor. 9:11

This Week's Post
  • Luke 1:5-25, Elizabeth and Zechariah.  Have you ever been duped?
  • Luke 1:26-38  Mary's encounter with the angel, Gabriel. 
          • Trusting the Lord with the consequences of our obedience -
          • Trusting the Lord with our husbands -

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Potty Mouth for Christmas?

Practical tips for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas!  And space to record 6 years worth of precious Christmas memories!  Great gift idea for Mothers, Grandmothers, or Teachers.  $12.99 
Limited Supply 

1 Peter 1:15-16
But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
Have you ever thought to give Jesus a gift for Christmas?  After all, Christmas exists to celebrate His birthday.
I can remember when this was a totally new concept.   My Bible study leader challenged us to give Jesus a birthday gift.  She encouraged us to take the time to ask Him what He wanted for His birthday -  To then follow through and give it to Him.
When I asked Jesus that year what He wanted for His birthday, He immediately brought to mind my potty mouth.  It’s so embarrassing to admit.   But it was a habitual sin habit and Jesus was making it clear in my heart and mind that it needed to go!
That Christmas I wrote the words, “potty mouth,” on a 3x5 index card.   I secured it in a beautiful red envelope and placed it under the Christmas tree. 
By the grace of God, I’ve not taken this gift back.  (Yesterday was an exception.  See below!)  That year, Jesus freed me from my potty mouth!
A few gift suggestions:
·         Your heart!  If you’ve never deliberately taken the time to invite Jesus – your Creator – into your life and heart, take the time to do so!
·         A sin habit.  Be specific.  Name it.  Surrender it.  It could be: gossip, a critical spirit, complaining, self indulgence, etc…
·         A commitment to start to maintain a quiet time each day by reading the Bible and praying.
·         A commitment to join a Bible study.
·         A commitment to host a Bible study.
·         A willingness to cultivate a relationship with an unbeliever.  Be deliberate to pray for that person and take every opportunity to share what Jesus is doing in your life. 
I’ve started to involve my children in this gift giving as well.   Examples of gifts they can give:
·         To stop hitting their sibling.
·         To promise to say kind words, not hurtful words.
(You can tell the direction I’m heading this year!) 
Take time this year to ask Jesus what He wants for His birthday.  It will bless His heart AND be a beautiful way to keep Jesus the center of your Christmas!  J
(Portions taken from Christmas Keepsake Journal.)

On a personal note:
You may have noticed that my blog posts are far and few between these days.  I am experiencing major computer problems.  By God's grace, I recently got one issue fixed, now it's something else.  My computer has decided that it doesn't want to send outgoing emails. It also freezes up when online. Yesterday was a "gift take back" day.

Many of you send me notes or when you see me, say the kindest words.  I firmly believe that God is using these posts to help you in your walk with Jesus.  The enemy does not want these posts going out.  This has been going on for several weeks.  I'm past frustration and am discouraged about this.

PLEASE PRAY for me.  The ministry really cannot afford to pay for another computer at this time.  I need your prayers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Iron Sharpens Iron, December

Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another."

My team and I are thrilled at the enthusiastic response we received from you concerning Iron Sharpens Iron, our monthly luncheons.  Clearly, there is a hunger and need for something like this.

Invitations for December's luncheon have been sent out.   However, if you did not receive an invitation, it's not too late to come!  Let us know you want to come by Wednesday, December 7th.  We will hold a seat for you.
Please send an email to Sandie @:

This month, we are honored to be able to host, Justice Paul Newby of the NC Supreme Court.   God has divinely placed Justice Newby in a seat on the highest court in North Carolina. 

Justice Newby is not ashamed of the gospel and proudly stands firm on the Biblical foundation he was raised upon. 

The title of his talk:  "Standing Firm for Christ in a Politically Correct World"
THIS Friday, December 9th @ 11:30am-1:00pm
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
Cost:  $16/pp
RSVP:  Wednesday, Dec. 7 @ Noon

Come and take advantage of this RARE opportunity to meet Justice Newby.  Hear his testimony of growing up in godly home and the impact his godly mother had upon him.
  • Hear stories that are never reported in the news -
  • Hear how Biblical principles and voting ARE connected -
  • And most importantly, come and be challenged that as he stands firm for Christ in a very difficult place - we too can stand firm in our families and in our sphere of influence. 

This is the first time we've opened our luncheon to all women.  We are so excited to get to meet many of you.  IF YOU RSVP to come, kindly, let your yes be yes.  We have to give MacGregor a number by Wednesday.  If you tell us you are coming and then do not show, we run the risk of being charged.  Please help us in this matter:)

RSVP NOW!!!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Next Post:  Last year I did this and can't wait to start again - Christmas Devotions!   Allow taking a deeper look into the Christmas account prepare your heart for the true meaning of Christmas.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Divine Appointment on a Beach in Freeport -

Poolside with family - Almost too cold for laying out!
1 Corinthians 3:6
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."

My family and my husband's extended family went on a cruise for Thanksgiving.  It was my first cruise.  And now that I'm back on land, my body still thinks it's at sea.  When will the woozies stop?!

Anyway!  Friday afternoon, our snorkeling excursion was cancelled to due to high winds.  (Thank you Jesus!)  The water was cold and the wind was whipping.  So a few of us decided to find a beach and experience the local flavor.  Experience we did!

We made camp on a public beach.  Within moments, we were barraged with Bahemian people trying to sell us one thing or another.  Someone even offered my husband hot wings flavored with "Bahemian spices..." AKA: weed.  Needless to say, he politely declined.  But when "Lillian" approached, something inside me said, "engage her."  Lillian was selling necklaces and bracelets.  I asked her to sit down.

My daughter and niece were quickly trying on her many creations.  They were beautiful.  Not really my style, but unique all the same.   Quickly, I knew why I had heard, "engage her:"  The God of the Universe wanted to speak to her.  And He wanted to use me to do it.  What an honor. 

I can't tell you how often I've blown divine appointments.  But, something was different this time.  A supernatural love for this woman washed over me.  And a realization that she's destined for an eternity in hell unless she knows Jesus was more than I could stand.  So I boldly, yet gently began to engage her.

I asked her about her family; where she lives, etc...  I then began commending her on her abilities to make jewelry.  I told her that she had an amazing gift.  I asked her if she realized that the God of the Universe was Who gave her that gift.  She said, "yes.." 

I then gently asked her, "Do you know God?  Do you know if you're right with Him?"

She responded by saying, "He is my Lord."  (Good answer!  Very encouraging!  But this is not enough. I'm fishing for Jesus.  I'm fishing for a moment in time when she realized she was a sinner and accepted JESUS as Lord.) 

So I responded, "Well, how do you become right with Him since He's your Lord?" 

"By serving Him?" she said almost quizzically.   I was beginning to notice an irriation. Before losing her,  I looked into her beautiful dark eyes and slowly told her that, "God loved her.  That Jesus is the only way to be right with God.  That God loves it when we serve Him, but that Jesus - acceptance of Him must come first.  He's THE only way... to the Father."

Lillian quickly redirected her eyes and the conversation,  "You need to come speak at my church."  (I had never mentioned anything about being a speaker.)   She was definately squirming at this point. A nerve was hit and she was uncomfortable.   She then proceeded to tell me how great her church is...  And how often she goes...

I just sat and listened attentively with a smile on my face.

We bought 3 of Lillian's necklaces that day.  As she was getting up to leave, I put the bait out there again, "If you want to know how to be right with the God of the Universe... the same God Who gave you this amazing gift, please come back before you leave the beach today."   Lillian promised to come back - but never did.

Despite my disappointment, a seed was sown into the soil of Lillian's heart last Friday.  I believe God cancelled our snorkeling trip, because He had His eyes on ONE woman - on a beach in Freeport.  A woman whom He wants to draw to Himself.   And I guess He knew He could count on me to be His ambassador.  (Not sure why He felt that way.  I've disappointed Him so many times in the past.)  But the God of second chances gave me another chance.   And another one the next day in Nassau!

Be watching for YOUR divine appointments.  Don't shrink back - but boldly have the courage to speak what He places on your heart. 

When you get to heaven, you may never know who may thank you because you took the time to plant or water the seed of Jesus in their heart.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Big Announcement #2

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man [woman] sharpens another.

In addition to opening our luncheons to all women, we will begin hosting quarterly workshops!  Some of the reasons we have chosen to go the workshop route is:
  • We can begin to offer targeted specific information.  Example:  A workshop geared for Women's Ministry Leaders:  How to Host an Event or Advertising for your Events etc...
  • To sharpen each other.
  • To grow spiritually.
  • To become prepared to serve Jesus in our corners of the world - wherever that may be!
  • Connecting women with mentorships -
Some of the workshops topics may be on:  Marriage; Parenting; How to Lead a Bible Study in your Neighborhood; Prayer Journaling; Accessorizing Your Closet (we want to be fashionable, but we can't dress like the hoochie mama!)

Timing -
One of the things we have found over the last few months:  women are lingering past the 1:00 end time.  They love the fellowship! 

Workshops will be held the same day of the luncheon - almost immediately following.
1:30-2:30pm.  We are hoping that women who have children needing to be picked up from school, can still be accommodated.  (Me included!)

February is our goal date for the first workshop.  In order to maintain a standard of excellence, we will probably offer only one workshop that month.  Eventually, our goal is to give you 2 choices. 

This is alot to be excited about!  We hope you are as excited as we are!

One woman last month commented, "that no where has she met women who have a genuine love for Jesus than at Iron Sharpens Iron."  This woman has connected with women who speak her language.  She looks forward to it every month.  She's marked her calendar.   

We want to bring women together...To meet like-minded women so that you can grow stronger in your relationship with the Lord and be IMPACTFUL in your home, workplace, neighborhood, school, church, tennis courts, ball fields etc all for God's glory!

Mark your calendar today!  Our next meeting is:  Friday, December 9th.  11:30am-1:00pm.  MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC.  $16/pp.
Let us know if you want to be on the list to receive the monthly invitations- 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Changes to our monthly Women's Luncheon, Iron Sharpens Iron

Hebrews 5:13 NLT
"A person who is living on milk isn't very far along in the Christian life and doesn't know much about doing what is right.  Solid food is for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right."

First Big Announcement:   Up until now, Knowing God Ministries monthly luncheon, Iron Sharpens Iron has been targeted specifically to women leaders. 

Now, starting next month, Iron Sharpens Iron is opening to ALL WOMEN.  You do not have to be a leader to attend!

Why the change?   Since when we first began hosting this luncheon in April '11, we've had leaders from across the spectrum attending (and continuing to attend.)  When asked in the monthly evaluation form what topics they wanted covered - the answers were so diverse and widespread.  Many of the topics would never be appropriate for the general audience because they were leadership specific.  The topic that may appeal to a 1/3 of the group - but not to the rest of the group.  (The answer to this is coming in the 2nd BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!) 

Another reason for the change - it's been my desire all along to have this same kind of format for ALL women.  However, my team and I cannot imagine hosting 2 luncheons a month.  You would not imagine the titanic effort it takes to host one. 

As I shared this with my team in August,  we went to prayer to ask God for His perfect will.    God seemed to quickly give my team unity on these changes back in early September.  I was the hold out!  I had both things compartmentalized as 2 separate events - and couldn't seem to get past it.

I share all of this with you because I want you to see the relevance and power of the Holy Spirit when making decisions.  What He has done for me - He will do for you!

How God Changed it:
In mid-September, my team had oneness on opening the lunches, but having target specific workshops following the lunch to accommodate some of the specific needs.  (More on this to come!)  At our meeting that day, I was prepared to argue my point - as to why it needed to be 2 separate events. 

I asked the ladies on my team to go back to the original Scripture God used when He called us to start hosting these lunches.  

Suddenly, the Words jumped off the page and began confirming EXACTLY what my team had been trying to tell me.  (God brought me into allignment - not them!)  Listen carefully, " prepare God's people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up... and become mature."  Eph. 4:12-13 italics mine.

It was as if the light came on - this luncheon was to be open to all of God's people...  So that they may be built up and grow in maturity and to be prepared for service.

I have been so excited since that meeting!  Since then, we've been in prayer as to how to proceed.  The only thing missing was the approval of my Board of Directors, which as of last Wednesday - I have!  (They only meet quarterly.)

God is at work!  It's time for the Body of Christ to come off the baby food and grow to maturity in Christ.  As God has blessed me with a team of strong women in the Lord, I'm often reminded that sometimes I'm still "drinking milk."  They challenge me to GROW spiritually in wisdom and understanding.  They also challenge me to live a life worthy of the calling I've received. 

WE WANT TO DO THE SAME FOR YOU TOO!!!  This is huge!  We hope you are as excited as we are.  If you live in the Raleigh/Cary/Durham area of North Carolina, let us know if you want to be included on the monthly invitation!

Tomorrow:  The 2nd Big Announcement!